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tanny December 27, 2018 11:05 am

i hate sasabe's personality..impatient andd makes rash decisions..its co of his decision that both shirotani and utou are unhappy..
i mean if he alwz anted to find a pair he shouldnt have told utoou of his true feelings and when he did he should have waited for utou to understand and reply ack to him..
and no he is shirootani's pair but wants utou by his side..i mean let the guy goo..
u have a pair be happy

    Your girl December 27, 2018 11:22 am

    Wtfff, don’t be blaming the uke. Sumi told utou about his feelings, but I’m sorry utou didn’t do shit. Shiratori KEPT on asking him if he needs help. When he was trying to bond with him he was upfront about his struggles, didn’t manipulate him. Shiratori made his decisions and could’ve pulled away. There was no gun to his head. Both utou and shiratori made there decisions when they had option of making the opposite decision, they both 34 year old man. They are mature enough to make decisions, so deal with the outcome

    tanny December 27, 2018 11:40 am

    sorry but utoou as going to epress his feelings to him..oonly if that sumi ouldd haae waited 1 night..sumi as sure utou wl reject him wdout giving utou the benfit oof the out..sumi is the coard one..he prpose to him but didnt even ait for the reply..i mean if i mean in love wd some1 ho is already in lovve wd another then i wl work hard to epress my love..sumi never tried to win ovver utou..just declared him as coarly when he is the true coward..
    andd shirtani like sumi thats why he alwz said he wl help him..sumi should have understood that and now in the long run wl he truly lve shirotani?

    tanny December 27, 2018 11:42 am

    sorry but utoou was going to epress his feelings to him..oonly if that sumi wouldd have waited 1 night..sumi as sure utou wl reject him wdout giving utou the benfit oof the doubt..sumi is the coward one..he proposed to him but didnt even wait for the reply..i mean if i am in love wd some1 who is already in lovve wd another then i wl work hard to express my love..sumi never tried to win ovver utou..just declared him as cowarldy when he is the true coward..
    andd shirtani like sumi thats why he alwz said he wl help him..sumi should have understood that and now in the long run wl he truly lve shirot

    Your girl December 27, 2018 11:48 am
    sorry but utoou as going to epress his feelings to him..oonly if that sumi ouldd haae waited 1 night..sumi as sure utou wl reject him wdout giving utou the benfit oof the out..sumi is the coard one..he prpose t... tanny

    Wtf, nah bruh. This ain’t I think you need to reread the whoooooole series again. Who is the one who initiated everything utou/ touched him when he didn’t want to. Than found about his past and stopped everything causing further misunderstanding, didn’t do anything to help him and sat in the background. Sumi confessed and he didn’t say shit, sumi kissed him and he didn’t say shit. In chapter 5 when he said why you no longer can help neutralize- he didn’t say shit. Was naive to the idea about omegas in the workplace. Sumi tried to understand, but he just gave up trying when shiratori approached him and at the time he was fed up physically and emotionally. So he bonded, and noooooooow utou confesses and says I love you please. Sumi and what did utou do

    tanny December 27, 2018 12:18 pm

    maybe u r right but utou really helped sumi..remember the incident in the train..and sumi told utou clearly after that incident that he wished utou was an alpha..
    plus utou was still thinking that he likes the previous omega so when sumi confessed and told him of his short comings and thar he never tried to win over the other omega bcoz he has an inferiority comple that was a huge shock to him..he needs time too..
    plus sumi never actuall told him clearly how goo utou is..alwz telling him that he ants an alpha..he should have tried to in his heart..he should have told utou that it was okay for him to love an omega..but he took the rash decision in just one night..

    tanny December 27, 2018 12:27 pm

    well i do accept that having being betrayed by his beta friend sumi hates betas so it must have taken him a lot of courage to exress himself to another beta..thats good of him but he as biased too and he thot uotu wl definetly reject chap 10 he even wished that utou wl reject him as he is another coward beta..but he never thot utou wl accept his love..
    i dnt knw how the author wl end the stoory but i think it wl follw the pattern wd utou doing everything to get sumi back..that is he wl oercome his inferiority comle of being a beta..and take sumi away from the alpha as sumi's true happiness is wd utou..karasumu een tells utou that happiness is not decided by reasoning and thinking things through hich is what sumi did..but its a matter of feelings

    Your girl December 27, 2018 3:02 pm

    Sumi only said that beta thing twice. At the beginning when he hated betas chapter 1, and in chapter 5 because utou wasn’t willing to touch him so he just wished that utou was an alpha so he could protect him and they could be a couple, because at the time sumi was slowing falling in love with utou ( inner monologue). They never had a chance to talk because of the flow of the manga, but sumi did a good job expressing himself with the confession. How he loves his hands. Chapter 5 he never thought that saying I WISH YOU WERE AN alPHa was utous inferior complex, yes so I say it did hurt him and contribute to utous insecurities getting worse.
    Btw in the latest chapter he wanted utou to reject him because he already went through the process of getting bond, so he hoped when he ended things off, utou would be a cruel beta. But he didn’t think that utou would confess, so now there both hurt because they love each other but at the moment they can’t touch each other

tanny September 24, 2018 5:19 pm

i love the way the author presented this story but the story itself is unethical..
the heroine is dating a guy who already has a gf..what happend to eunho wd her bf cheating on her is the same thing the heroine is doing..i m sure haerong (gf of the hero)feels the same way..
i hate the heroine for destroying another girl's life..even if the guy shows interest in you when she knows he has a gf why encourage him just bcoz she is lonely..thats called being a home wrecker!!
though the story is very well presented , it is from the point of view of the "other girl" and i will not support it as i have experienced this..another girl stealing my man away even knowing that he was with me..both are to be blamed for cheating..
but nonetheless..the story grows on you so really i think the author is great..not many can portray a heroine who is wrong!!

    Nekolyn September 27, 2018 9:39 am

    I'm pretty sure that the Heroine still doesn't know who that girl is..the guy never properly clarify things out..unless I've missed out few chapters..ehehe

    tanny September 27, 2018 3:51 pm

    well she heard him speaking with his gf and lying to her that he is with his male friends rather he as with her..atleast before starting a relationship she should have clarified on this matter..obviously he would have lied since he is an asshole but atleast that wouldnt have given her a selfish vibe..

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