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Meli created a topic of Weather Forecast Love

Well continue on waiting. I hope MC is really going to the military.

Meli created a topic of Secondo Piatto

(/TДT)/ (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ this dude (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

Meli created a topic of Can't Think Straight

I love that everyone is supporting Juju

The translation is okay, but if the translators could keept their nasty comments to themselves and not flood the pages with it, that would be great

Meli created a topic of The Color of the Night

I think some of you need to reread and start to really /read/. Not some of you asking where Bedoya's degradation kink comes from or why Eckstein calls him a Monster.

Everything is explained, but the comments sound like you only looked at the pictures or skipped everything to look at the sex scenes. And even /there/ the author explained multiple times what is going on.

Meli created a topic of Secondo Piatto

I am so glad he came back! The apology, the explanation, the confession, his try to comumunicate. Tae is so green ╥﹏╥

Meli created a topic of The Color of the Night

I still don't understand why everyone is so mad about the ML. They are both mental and neither says the word "Love". Why should it be the job of ML to say the L-Word first when the MC is clearly not ready?

Also, guys, the blondie could kill ML with a flick of his finger, do you really think anything is happening against his will???

Meli created a topic of High Pulse

It feels like there is missing a chapter. Not just because the smut scene is skipped, but because it feels like plot is missing.

Edit because people missunderstand me or want to argue: I am not saying videos of child abuse don't exist. I am saying that the term "cp" is missued for centuries and other countries changed the term for years already. Porn is a video from consenting adults. Videos of real rape and/or filmed without consent are not porn. It's sexual abuse. The term porn reduces everything to the sexual act and sex is something natural and okay. Abuse is not porn.
Additionally if you can't distinguish between fiction (writen or drawn) and reality, then nobody of you should read anything on this website.

And don't come at me with "Do yOu WanNa rEAd CP?!" CP doesn't exist. Video and picture material of child abuse and r*pe exist and that is never ever porn. Porn is from people who can give consent, everything else is sa.

Meli created a topic of Zero Day Attack

I hope he at least slaps him once

Meli created a topic of Sweet Not Sugar

I think the real issue with the art style is, that it feels like they have now whole different personalities.
For example ML was like a cold, stern person who only warmed up for MC and his facial expression changed just minimal and softened for his lover. Now his face is just an open book in a public libary.

The same with the MC. He was so soft and cut and shy. Now he is a random bean sprout in a rice dish.

Meli created a topic of Gig of the Day

Gosh, I hope this will be "MC fell first, but ML fell harder". MC deserves to be obsessed about and ML needs to get knocked down a peg.

Meli created a topic of Beyond Memories

Holy shit!

Meli created a topic of Sunday's Consolation

Guys, stop kink shaming. Nobody asked you to have those kinks yourself, but there is no need to talk shit about it.

Meli created a topic of Jinx

Bebe can't get a break. For real, at this moment I wish for grandma to pass in peace and Dan to leave and settle down somewhere far far away

To be honest ML is super difficult to talk to. He gets mad and makes a grumpy face at any inconvenience and isn't honest either. Our MC is super timid and insecure. They are not a good match at the moment, especially if ML is keeping secrets and MC is missunderstanding everything

Meli created a topic of An egocentric way of thinking

Bebe ╥﹏╥
Please, talk with him!
Damnit! I know we are meant to trust the ML but he just so sus!

Meli created a topic of The Color of the Night

It is basically this: the blond MC is not able to be honest about his feelings. There is a lot of shame, guilt and self hate and he thinks he doesn't deserve anyone's love especially not the ML's.

On the other hand the black haird ML can see that, but at the same time is utterly obsessed with the MC. He wants to own and control him, but isn't able to, because he knows it is wrong and if he overstepps MC's boundaries outside of the bedroom he will lose him.
He would rather destroy his mind and body and be hated instead of never seeing him again. So, yeah, buddy is toxic as fudge, but MC loves that... at least in the bedroom.

ML is a psycho yes, but MC is a sociopath, I don't how everyone thinks he is a nice cutiepie. And if he really never had wanted any of the things the ML did to him, the ML would be dead already.

ML is so focused on their body activities because that is the only way to bound (with) MC.

Where did you all hear that the father would be the ml?????

Meli created a topic of Jungwon's Flowers

Not that I don't dislike the ML like everyone else, but some of you need to look up the definition of r*pe again.