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apart from the amount of crazy sex they have this is soooooooo cute

Purpleturtle created a topic of Waterside Night

ofc i’m grateful but i dont rly understand why there are still fan uploads when the officials are being posted, it’s confusing

Purpleturtle created a topic of ARTS MANZ

i don’t even know what to say

Purpleturtle created a topic of The Origin of Species

it was okay. art was so/so (proportions??), and in my opinion there were too many nc scenes , plus it’s a bit disappointing he keeps calling him president seo

Purpleturtle created a topic of Jinx

no redemption in the work will make it ok what he did to dan

Purpleturtle created a topic of 2020
Purpleturtle created a topic of Jinx

atp this is just boring.. we’re already at chapter 53 and every chapter is the same

Purpleturtle created a topic of Jinx

if this is gonna be the try on a redemption arc…

Purpleturtle created a topic of 1 to 10
Purpleturtle created a topic of Gig of the Day

it sadly was clear it will come to this :(

this seems like a mess i’m ngl there’s like 5 different story lines

Purpleturtle created a topic of Jinx

50 chapters in and not even a SIGHT of a „redemption arc“ (which will never work) is the author planning to make this over a 100 chapters or what. it’s all the same over and over. Dan needs to just leave.

Purpleturtle created a topic of Jinx

i don’t know why i’m still reading this. dan needs to leave asap.

Purpleturtle created a topic of Backlight
Purpleturtle created a topic of Waterside Night

wow authors knows who to write a decent redemption arc sadly very rare in bls but it’s done rly great in this one, love it

Purpleturtle created a topic of Jueun
Purpleturtle created a topic of Secretary to Stage

this story is actually hilarious if you turn your brain off while reading

Purpleturtle created a topic of Gig of the Day

oh wow!

what was that the art is so pretty and the story has potential i don’t know how to feel about that sex scene i’m not gonna lie