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tikitiki's feed

oh my god I knew by chapter three I hated Kana!?!?!? I actually cannot tell if he likes him, hates him, or just thinks of him as a funny little pet! Like bruh he finnally started to take a hint and distance himself from you just for you to com slitheringggggg backkkkkkk GGOOOOOOOO AWAYYYYYYYY. you either wanna spend all your time with your cool ass mean ass friends who im pretty sure all THINK you are dating AOI. or you can literally be chill and tell them ya'll are childhood friends. I wanna run this man overrrrrrrr. WHY couldn't he just tell his friend the truth. or keep fucking lying to everyone im pissed. Poor Naho he's embarrassing but he's also such a sweet child. All he needed was for someone to level with him. or at least tell him to stfu in publiccccccc. he literally is cute he's just also weird. ANyways the last chapter despite the um.. difficulty in understanding it, its pretty clear Kana is just a prick. Like you gave the cranes away to your shitty friends. Your shitty friends are now following Naho around... why would you think he doesnt know. omgggggggggggggg. also the last few pages idk I think he must have meant "there is no meaning to your thanks without the cranes" cuz that was his thing. Okay done ranting sorry im so angryyyyyyyy