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I REALLY REALLY like Juheon. He's like a perfect example of environment creating a personality, even though it is against the actual persons core beliefs. Like just speaking from my life (black woman) I have met a LOT of men who hide themselves behind fake personas to stop themselves from being hurt. ofc its never how this mc does it masking his harsh tone with a sweet one, but I think that is because of the change in his environment. He moved up several classes his ruff demeanor would no longer protect him, it would serve as a hindrance. where as where I am from, children tend to be sweeter, but growing up in these inner cities, the environment, the chaos, the poverty, it creates a hard shell that blocks anyone from seeing the sweet person underneath. Him becoming actually comfortable with someone has allowed that sweet persona to mingle with his heart, well he is a sweet heart anyways he just likes to cuss lol.

um but I kinda hate the other guy tho lol