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when do we get to the part when esteban suffers

kyaria created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!
kyaria asked question about chat about anything

ok so like my bf (hes the guy from like my last question go read it and the update yall!) and we've been dating for a week now yay! ilysm and hes so handsome, cute, funny, yk so im walking home from school and i see this girl i havent talked to in a while but we were acquaintances. i was telling her that i had a bf and i love my life yadadadada a......

kyaria created a topic of Checkmate(TAN)
kyaria created a topic of Define The Relationship

what the fuck its so shortim waiting 1 week for like 10 seconds of reading OMG I CANT TAKE IT

kyaria created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

who tf is disliking all the frera appreciation comments.... i love her sm

kyaria created a topic of Villain

oh mr crazy villain villain

kyaria created a topic of Checkmate(TAN)
kyaria created a topic of Shitsuren Junky

ryujiro looks like hewould say female instead of girl or woman tbb

kyaria created a topic of Don’t Say You Love Me

guys they do look like a snow leopard and red panda!!!!!!!

kyaria created a topic of Like Enough

i got nervous when he put in the bottle i was like isnt that hollow tf? guys if ur putting in something glass make sure its not hollow

demon king better be fucking endgame

kyaria created a topic of Hate Mate

im kind of fake but i purposely didnt read any chapters of season 2 because basically i heard its super unnessesscary and spoilers and stuff help

kyaria created a topic of Checkmate(TAN)
kyaria created a topic of Kill Me If You Can

wow yall hate side couples huh


kyaria created a topic of Surge Looking For You

when did this get in color? the last time i read it it was only in black and white its been a long time

kyaria answered question about chat about anything
UPDATE: i found out he liked another girl on friday, but i asked his friends and turns out he doesnt like anyone anymore???idk maybe i have a chance chat! my other friend is friends with both of us and she says im not his type (☹️) and i lowkey agree bc i think he likes loud and extroverted girls and im the opposite but im gonna attempt none ......