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b-tch thinks he has yiseon at the palm of his hand and that he's controlling the whole situation being all yandere and stuff
nu-uh we got uke that actually has brains and thinks for himself

Moriartea-chan created a topic of Jinx

Doc Dan is dumb af. I'm just gonna say it. Or so traumatized and manipulated that he believes that what is happening rn is totally normal and romantic.
So the author wants us to believe that this relationship will get normal in the future just because Dan is catching feelings hmmm? Why do I even still read this one.

I really hope the author will not punish mc for wanting her revenge.. there were these chapters where the gypsy woman said she will get back what she gives or something? And revenge is not seen as a good thing to many? But oh gosh does mc deserve revenge. I hope she will be able to achieve it and there won't be any punishment for her. She already has it bad because of Arabella's d3eath.

Moriartea-chan created a topic of Mary Jane

Ok? This is actually pretty interesting? This is the first time I see yaoi talking about patriarchy and the world made by men for men. And weaponizing your g3nitalia as a form of showing dominance. I really like the way the main character talks? He really sounds like a proper person that deals with mental disorders. I just worry about his ass since I know sooner or later something bad will happen to it ;')

Moriartea-chan created a topic of Young Master

r8pist and an ab8sive asshole, they make a perfect pair, they should end up in bed and leave everyone else alone ;')

in season 3 prob the Monkhwa's guy will be back and there will be drama.
Idk the last chapter feels rushed, it all still feels a little bit predatory but Monkwa's inner dialogue really helped ;;
The author has to focus on their relationship in the future tho, because there's still a lot that makes me super uneasy when it comes to Nakwon. He needs more character development. And we need more Monkhwa's POVs so we would know more about his feelings toward the whole situation so he wouldn't be used again

Moriartea-chan created a topic of Eleceed

I really hope Kartein was smart about this and messed something up in the healing process so in the most important moment the guy's power would be f8cked up and the good guys will win.

Moriartea-chan created a topic of Eleceed

I hope the author will go with something fresh for the story soon because for now it got kinda boring. I read this one just for the sake of reading.

Moriartea-chan created a topic of Our Sunny Days

I'm really on the old man side in this. It's better to give away your child if you're not sure if you can take care of them. It's better to give it to a family that can provide for them instead of risking destroying their and your family's life. MC shouldn't say things like that to the man tbh. But I guess I understand where he's coming from

I know they are both adults and stuff.. but it would be different if they both had their memories. But they don't xD
And it makes me feel uncomfy. (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

Lmaoooo I think I'm falling in love.
I really hope this will get anime ver ;o;

Moriartea-chan created a topic of Dreadful Night

It focuses on the mystery and the BL part is in the background which is such a fresh thing because most of the times BL focuses on romance and smex.
Also I love how Bada is not just another hopeless uke but actually has brain and uses it often.

Moriartea-chan created a topic of summer season

The characters seem shallow, relationship is very rushed. If this gets another season I hope the author will flesh out the characters more.
But idk if i will read it, this one was boring tbh and their interactions were even uncomfortable at times.

I live for itttt, this one has to be one of my absolute favourites. It all just feels so mature and pure and honest... (▰˘◡˘▰)

Moriartea-chan created a topic of Eleceed

I know he didn't do it to them yet but leaders that kill or harm their underlings just because they couldn't follow orders (because the orders were too hard or even impossible) annoy tf out of me. I know it's to portray how evil, horrible and cruel they are but when in stories the bad guy is in emotional pain after their underling got hurt? Idk, it hits way harder and I find it more interesting.

Moriartea-chan created a topic of Jinx

As hard as it might be for me... I'm sure Mr. Joo is suffering even more.
NO B9TCH. Take your things and run away.
ML is so toxic and every time I think that maaaaaybe he got some character growth, he disappoints me yet again.
And I know he will end up with MC, since they are the main couple, but it pains me so much. I swear most of us that still read this are mas0chists and we want to see ML suffer and that's why we keep on reading. For some kind of sweet revenge. And I really hope it will come. But the longer this drags on, the less it seems like it. The thing I'm afraid of mostly? The author will give the ML some shitty redemption arc where he will say sorry or some sh9t and all will be forgiven without a 2nd thought because ML is naive and good-hearted without boundaries. Dan is already catching feelings and excuses ML's behavior so...

Moriartea-chan created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

I have a bad feeling that now that Cirrus' problems were "resolved" and I'm really glad he finally let go of his father, the f8ckboi from Skyler's past will appear and mess with him publicly for being gae and there will be more drama. Just let the bois be happy. :(

The moment when the dragon covered his eyes and ears I can't I was laughing so badlyyyyyy

"Good wishes to have good people beside him as angels which is why he takes them first." - lmao, I'd be so angry if someone said that while I'm grieving someone's loss who was very important to me.