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Lark created a topic of Chaotic Nights

Yea, they are on the nose with POTN with this first erotic encounter like NK’s being all delusional too and thinking it’s his teacher. I’m hoping this story doesn’t perfectly copy like this as it goes on because nothing will be exciting if we know it’s coming. I do like that it’s def inspired by it dang this is totally the same so far. Guys, I like toxic, I like tragic romance and painful scenes with great redemption—I don’t mind what others couldn’t handle with POTN, but I don’t like predictable chapters. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ I am VERY happy that we get a st8 historical story like this where there is finally no European evil duke blah blah, and I love the art—I swear I’m not downing it. I truly feel lucky to get to read this. I just want it to be its own special thing with similar vibes to POTN, not just a st8 re-telling