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Lark answered question about question
Lark asked a question

Painter of the Night BUT STRAIGHT??!!! YA’lll AND ITS GOOD AF

Lark followed a goer
26 02,2024
Lark followed a list

Hewwo and welcome! ₍₍ ( ๑˃◡ ˂๑)◞♡


        BL only!!!

= triggers (do expect violence, too bothersome to put)
        abuse: could be physical, mental, verbal, sexual etc.

= my rating
 (5=absolute fav, 4=very noice, 3=goodie, 2=meh, 1=nah)

= mayb +1 star


         Get ready for some psychologically draining and
         emotionally terrible manga!

26 02,2024
Lark asked a question

Looking for a semi-toxic to a lot toxic rec(s) where someone younger has unrequited love with a guy much older. I would like the older guy to fight against his feelings and possibly be cold. BL or ST8 (▰˘◡˘▰)

Lark created a topic of Jinx

I swear it’s like someone else wrote this story! Like, BJ Alex was no masterpiece but come on! It had direction and solid parts!!! We loved and hated Alex in addictive chaps, but this story has lead up to so many dull climax’s that constantly change direction to dead end boring writing. Dan was a repetitive sex slave and now he’s like a retarded bland little brother a roommate. Ugh, I’m so bored but i feel like I’ve used up so much time and brain cells that I have to keep waiting for an actual intriguing part to arise. I’m so tiiiiired ( ̄へ ̄)This new fighter better be an actual stick-around character that spices up something and Granny better go die already because I’m so tired of looking at her leathery skin and hanging open mouth.

Lark created a topic of Jinx

Can someone rec something like this, but it be actually GOOD? I like toxic stories but I need intriguing writing too.

Lark asked a question

Looking for a rec that has an older guy (mean/grumpy preferably) who is pestered by someone younger who wants him badly. Eventually he gives in and falls for him/her (BL or st8). A little smutty would be good. I read one like this about a monk but need more.

Lark created a topic of Did It Work

I really like that this was not “instant gay”. This was paced well, funny, corny, sexy and really ridiculous. The Boss didn’t fall instantly for him or become gay by ch 2—It was somehow believable how this has played out between these two. I also like that this isn’t too layered; it’s pretty simple even with the slight supernatural aspect that’s not too saturated in it. It’s definitely no Dangerous Convenience Store, or Finder, caliber of Yakuza story, but basically im digging it. (▰˘◡˘▰)

Lark asked a question

A Japanese manga with a hot, tall, toxic seme and a small uke who is meek.
GO!! ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

Lark asked a question

Okay, so I watched an incredible Korean movie “The Frozen Flower” () and it was basically a man who thought he was gay, because he was only ever sexually with his emperor, but he fell in love with a woman (forbidden love) and fell hard.
In manga, I always see straight guys who go gay but any stories where gay guys go straight? Btw the sex scenes dropped my jaw. Like how did Korea allow it??

Lark created a topic of Jinx

I kinda… liked it. I guess it’s because I’ve been starving for 43 chapters and it was a little bit—real? Like, everything has been so wacked out and unrealistically unhinged that this one felt like an actual experience, like when I was a teen and really liked someone who finally noticed me. It wasn’t bad, but it was finally something different. Bare minimum good.
┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

Lark asked a question

Yaoi please for risqué forbidden relationship (straight is okay if it’s your top fav story) something like student x teacher, yakuza x debtee

Lark asked a question

Looking for hidden gem yaoi with height/size difference but has to be somewhat toxic, so, NO Shounan Ai. Plz. Enemies to lovers is what I want basically. I already know about the current POPULAR ones so I’m looking for hidden new stories or older gems.

Examples are: Finder, JunJou Romantica, Dangerous Convenience Store, The Alphas Bride, POTN, Steel under Silk, Waterside Night, KS,

Lark created a topic of Jinx

Y'all notice that these nigga’s heads are shrinking?
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Lark created a topic of Jinx

Aww, behind the scenes of their porno lol
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Lark answered question about question
Lark asked a question

(▰˘◡˘▰) looking for something like
“Mangaka to Yakuza”
-josei, smutt, romance
-no high school
Here’s a link for ref