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Cart created a topic of Bungou Stray Dogs

They can never make me hate you fyodor

Cart created a topic of Pure Love Operation

Stop glazing Dohwa punk ass. He was the one on that weird shit and Eunhyuk put that bitch ass nigga in his place, so heā€™s really fucking salty. Hence him ignoring and being a dickhead to Sooae. I think Eunhyuk shouldā€™ve fucked him up, but thatā€™s just me. Enjoy

Ngl this shit is pure dookie I only like the white haired man with a dimp dimp, heā€™s the only cute one

Cart created a topic of Call me the Devil

Some of yall are saying that this story shouldnā€™t be looked at through human ideology but when the fucking characters look like humans and act like humans people are going to see it in the most humanly way possible. you hos are weird asf if you see nothing wrong with these pervy ass men just cause itā€™s not ā€œhumanā€ ideology when in the got damn story they are portrayed as humans. I would semi understand if they looked like demons and give of a demon fucking vibe but not one bitch looks nor acts like one. Not to mention these bitches are raised like human children. what demon is going to a fucking classroom and doing work. Think realistically dumbass hos

Cart followed a goer

13 05,2024
Cart created a topic of Call me the Devil

Why the Luciferā€™s daddy kinda bad like. Heā€™s sexy he need to get in these drawls

Cart created a topic of I Thought It Was Time!

The more I read this the more that bitch starts to piss me off

Cart created a topic of Owari no Seraph

All this for love when this nigga is gay. Like sheā€™s denying yuā€™s zestyness and itā€™s pissing me off bad. Shinoa know deep down inside that nigga is gay asf and NEVER looked at her trifling ass like that

Cart created a topic of I Thought It Was Time!

Fl is so fucking stupid itā€™s actually pissing me off. This dumbass bitch needs to set boundaries cause if that nigga goes to lunch with that one girl sheā€™s gonna be pissed. Bruh sheā€™s so fucking stupid like tighten tf up damn. And then that dumbass, fugly ass, bitch ass priest need to back off. Like I actually pray somebody or something tear his ass up, like I really wish the duke would just beat that nigga ass. Everyone in this fucking webtoon is fucking stupid as fuck. Iā€™m still stuck on this dumbass fl though. Bitch. Why would you get in a relationship if you know youā€™re gonna die. Thatā€™s so fucking insensitive, then this bitch is just slow asf use your brain you dumbass bird brain ass bitch. This shit is pissing me off so bad. Like most if not all of their problems would be solved if these bird brain, unproportional body, fugly, dumbass, thick neck ass bitches werenā€™t so fucking slow

Cart created a topic of Say I love You

Ngl this shit was sooooo ass. I knew this was gonna be ass when he hung out with that one bitch and didnā€™t tell mei. Overall this was straight ass and Iā€™d never recommend this bs to anyone

Cart created a topic of Sounds Like Roses

Thereā€™s absolutely no reason for anybody to say that one nigga shouldnā€™t die. I read a comment saying he already payed for his sins. He literally fucking kidnapped Rose thereā€™s no coming back from that. The girl is fucking psychotic and traumatized cause that nigga and his friends kidnapped her. No amount of atonement will make up for the trauma they caused that poor girl. Thatā€™s the dumbest shit you could ever say. Him helping her is nothing compared to the bullshit she went through because of him and his fuck ass friends

Cart created a topic of Dictatorship

This is probably one of the best webtoons I ever read. This was peak. characters 10/10 ,, plot 10/10 ,, pace 10/10
I recommend one of my favorites ever

Cart followed a goer
23 03,2024
Cart created a topic of Ashtarte

Isaiah a crybaby ass nigga bruh you canā€™t be this heartbroken when the girl never even gave you a chance. This is so ridiculous wtf

I never liked eclis anyways. I never liked the master x slave shit so a win is a win. Prince guy for the winnnn

Cart created a topic of God Jangsan Tiger

The first like 10 chapters were really good then shit just went down hill fast. The fl is annoying and naive asf. First love my ass youā€™re just a boy crazy ass girl. And itā€™s so mf obvious that this nigga is out for blood, he pops up out of no where and now yall going on dates and shit. I hate stupid hos

Yā€™all I want a man so bad but I havenā€™t met any that meet my standards. I donā€™t ask for much. All I want is abs and a year older than me. These mangas make me sick, like dang Iā€™m lonely as heck. Btw Iā€™m still in highschool thatā€™s why but ik thereā€™s some fine highschool boys just not at my school

Cart created a topic of Papillon

I thought ts was gonna be good tell I found out her counselor is groping her. 24 years old with a minor fuck no idc. Idgaf what the age of consent is have morals ho

Cart created a topic of Owari no Seraph

A man as your motivation is crazy asf especially if the nigga is so obviously gay. If Yuu ends with that girl or any girl at that, imma know something