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Check for updates(72) 2017-10-17 0
Finished(6) 2017-10-13 0

04Aquamarine's topics ( All 8 )

04Aquamarine June 1, 2020 7:39 am

“Honeymoon” chapters (22-27) have been added on lezhin. Does anyone know if they will be updated on here too?

04Aquamarine May 18, 2020 4:33 pm

Anyone have a link for the raws or know where the official translation is?

04Aquamarine's questions ( All 1 )

04Aquamarine April 23, 2020 10:08 pm

I’ve been searching for this manhwa I read I. The past and CANT REMEMBER WHAT ITS CALLED . It’s driving me crazy. It’s about 4 sisters finding love. The first sister it focuses on is the 3rd. She works in an office and goes on a blind date for a friend and the man ends up being her new boss. She is torn between him and his rival in the office but ends up marrying him.

The next sister to marry is the oldest one. She is gorgeous and her long-time boyfriend cheats on her or something because she won’t commit. She ends up back with him and they marry and have a baby.

The 2nd daughter ends up dating and marrying a business acquaintance. She was the one most against marriage and the guy had to chase her a lot.

The youngest was the last and she falls in love with a co-worker. He has daddy issues and says he doesn’t want to get married and ends up moving overseas but he regrets it and goes to get her back.

I loved this story and thought I had it saved but can’t find it anywhere. I’ve been searching for hours and can’t find the title

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04Aquamarine's message board ( All 1 )

Kaden March 15, 2019 2:20 pm

Hi! Can I ask if I can have a copy of parental guidance. I am not that rich to avail each chapter. Please.

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