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Quack add 1 photos to Random things pt2
Quack add 1 photos to Random things pt2

Bruh why is he serving cunt?? Like bod goals fr

Quack add 1 photos to Random things pt2

I fw the character design

Quack add manga to list ARTSTYLE IS BEAUTIFUL

I feel like I forgot about someone important...Plagued by nightmares of his old hometown, Yuuma Kuro...

  • Author: Tako macho
  • Genres: Yaoi / Horror
Quack add 1 photos to HEAR ME OUT


Quack add 1 photos to Random things pt2

Buddy I'm pretty sure him cutting ur leg isn't the biggest secret he has. Maybe smth to do w/ ur sis

Quack like topic of Sexless(am)

Bittersweet. Doesn't make my heart hurt like these kinds of stories usually do (the characters' own halfhearted reactions, especially on Lauren's part, may have something to do with that). I went into this thinking that Lauren didn't want to have sex with Chip because he valued the romantic aspect of their relationship, but somewhere along the way I realized it had a lot more to do with his own hangups and that their relationship was destined to fail. As an aside, I'm usually against cheating but in this case I felt that it was not only justified, but it didn't even match up to the emotional and psychological abuse Lauren knowingly put Chip through. It would be nice if after this Chip could finally find and settle down with a genuinely loving partner. As for Lauren, as he himself said he probably isn't going to change, and, as we saw at the end of the comic, he'll probably go back to having one night stands with strangers. Can't say that bothers me in the slightest.

Quack add 1 photos to Cute

Cheesy but I love it

Quack add 1 photos to Crying so hard rn


Quack add 1 photos to Random things pt2

Love ya ju in

Quack add 1 photos to Random things pt2

Ate her up

Quack add 1 photos to Crying so hard rn

I love them I rlly do they're my fav characters in this series