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★★★ followed question about question

So for a manga it'd be under 150 ratings and manhwas would be under 200 given that they're more popular. I hear people say a story is underrated basically because it's not talked about but it'd have like 600 ratings so clearly there's some attention given to the story, and even stories with like 300 ratings I still see people acknowledge so I'm try......

11 days
★★★ followed question about question

What are some small storage games that are entertaining? I'm getting bored with mine and looking for new ones to download. I'm open for anything, feel free to share your favs!

06 05,2024
★★★ followed question about question

Hii so i asked this earlier "Honestly running out of manhwas, manhuas, and mangas to read and now I'm going back into ao3 so I need some good recs for them pleaseee" And I just checked and you're asking for my preferences but I'm honestly good with anything :D. It good be a teeth rotting sweet love story, a super sad traumatic one, hardcore explic......

11 04,2024
★★★ followed question about question

Which website or method do you use to keep track of the manga you're reading, plan to read, etc? Using mgo to keep track of them is cool, but I need a backup and something better organized. So I'd like to know your recommendations if possible. Thanks!

08 04,2024
★★★ followed question about question

It got me thinking, is it some psychology behind being obssesed with lovers like mafia bosses, fighters, demon kings? In real life my taste is quite opposite, the agressive guys with full of themself are giving me headache. But when it comes to stories I always loved villans with soft side for lover.

30 03,2024
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Just these, I collect a lot to use for answering questions and sending to friends!
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And one of my favorite character intros:
★★★ followed question about question

Do you guys read books ? Like non comics, mangas, manhwas and manhuas books, like novel, biography, books about politics ? I stopped reading « books » a long time ago now and I want to read books again. Do you guys have recommandations ? It could be any kind of book but I’m mostly interested in political, psychological, sociological, non-roma......

12 03,2024
★★★ followed question about question

What’s some scenes in Manwha/manga that literally made your jaw drop like an audible gasp came out

10 03,2024
★★★ followed question about question

Enchanted - "Please don't be in love with someone else" Mrs Potato Head - "No one will love you if you're unattractive"

05 03,2024
★★★ followed question about question

any recs for artists similar to grentperez, laufey, rocco etc..? (i have no one else to ask n im desperate )

25 02,2024
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★★★ followed question about have delusional thoughts

Since the comments under manga section is back show me your most disliked comment

18 12,2023
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Try to include him next time, being left out never feels good IMJOKINGPLSDONTTAKETHISSERIOUSLY
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Try to include him next time, being left out never feels good IMJOKINGPLSDONTTAKETHISSERIOUSLY
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Try to include him next time, being left out never feels good IMJOKINGPLSDONTTAKETHISSERIOUSLY
★★★ followed question about question

or just a emotional one, im trying to grow my eyelashes. thanks.

10 12,2023
★★★ followed question about question

Hey kings queens and in betweens, does anyone have any JUICY ASS GUILT TROPES where the ml treats the fl badly and then he recognizes how amazing she is in her absence and it’s like WAIT NO but it’s too late cause she finds a better man. And THE LAST PART IS CRITICAL - she doesn’t end up with him please!! Too many times I’ve read a manhwa w......

09 12,2023
★★★ followed question about question

i been reading mediocre shit lately idc which genre except bl i have read too many of them i wanna dip my toes in underrated masterpiece or famous ones i have read most famous ones like vinland saga,berserk,vagabond etc so i want to read ur masterpieces especially underrated ones thanks guys(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

05 12,2023
★★★ followed question about let's be positive

Let’s see hehe

01 12,2023