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Shu! March 12, 2024 3:40 am

Warrior is a little brain dead but it’s okay i still love him

Shu! December 7, 2023 12:22 am

I’m convinced you guys read the first half with your eyes closed. He has been in a 7 year toxic relationship where he was cut off from pretty much any communication to anyone else. He is clearly very insecure since he was made to depend on his ex. Obviously cheating is bad, but saying stuff like “the uke should kill himself” is stupid and shows you know nothing about being trapped in that kind of relationship.

    Heu77 December 8, 2023 12:02 am

    I still don’t like the uke, nothing will ever justify him cheating. I can see why he’s so childish and insecure though. He did the same shit the ex did, both of them can be together for all I care (apparently they are endgame). The one who should kill himself is the ex, abusive and just disgusting.

    Heu77 December 8, 2023 12:14 am

    And I don’t think that’s how abused people react to their abusers, the author clearly fetishizes these shit. In ch 56, instead of being afraid or just a little sign of that, he jumps to his arms and cries. And then just proceeds to have sex without a single thought of Taehwan. And I’m saying this as a victim of certain relationships myself, there were times I went to my ex for some comfort (when I had no one else) but I always felt uneasy and on edge, not just jumping to them.

    It’s just so frustrating and uncomfortable to watch the uke just jump to his ex’s arms and just have sex casually. Like no thoughts at all.

    Heu77 December 8, 2023 12:23 am

    And the ex forced uke to have sex with him more afterwards (so I can’t blame uke here thinking about it again), ex threatened to tell Taehwan I think

    Cristy December 11, 2023 2:45 pm
    And I don’t think that’s how abused people react to their abusers, the author clearly fetishizes these shit. In ch 56, instead of being afraid or just a little sign of that, he jumps to his arms and cries. ... Heu77

    I read the raws and it was more like: the seme took advantage of the uke in a difficult moment. It is very difficult to escape from your abuser. The seme has spent almost a decade making uke hate himself and believe that no one loves him but him. And yes, he is getting better, but I think in this moment they showed how easy it is to fall back into old habits.

    Cristy December 11, 2023 2:47 pm

    And yes, I agree. This reaction is so shocking. Think that they would tell a real person that he should kill himself because his trauma is causing people around him to suffer.

    Tammicita December 11, 2023 2:51 pm
    And I don’t think that’s how abused people react to their abusers, the author clearly fetishizes these shit. In ch 56, instead of being afraid or just a little sign of that, he jumps to his arms and cries. ... Heu77

    Just because YOU reacted that way or felt a certain way doesn't mean EVERYONE reacts the same way to abuse or abusive relationships or their abusers. You shouldn't generalize people or situations, and worse, make people feel judged by their actions. Because there ARE people in real life who do go back to their abusers and feel zero guilt over it. Because they don't how to handle kindness after years of abuse. So to go as far as saying the author "fetishizes" abuse is ridiculous, considering how realistic the story is.

    Cristy December 11, 2023 3:00 pm
    Just because YOU reacted that way or felt a certain way doesn't mean EVERYONE reacts the same way to abuse or abusive relationships or their abusers. You shouldn't generalize people or situations, and worse, ma... Tammicita

    Yes, this story deals with trauma realistically (relatively of course).
    I'm so used to trauma in manga looking like "uwu I'm so poor and cute".
    It's really horrible to see how hard victim blaming goes on in the comments here.

    Heu77 December 11, 2023 3:04 pm
    Just because YOU reacted that way or felt a certain way doesn't mean EVERYONE reacts the same way to abuse or abusive relationships or their abusers. You shouldn't generalize people or situations, and worse, ma... Tammicita

    I’m saying this because the amount of BL authors that show the sexual scenes is literally fetishization. Another work they have done is literally also that except they don’t go all the way. My point is, being abused doesn’t mean your cheating action is justified. I reacted that way because I was abused, sure I was in denial but I did not go back repeatedly.

    And pretty sure Uke knows how to handle kindness, why do you think he got with the seme right now? He fell for him and how kind Taehwan was. Just because everyone is abused doesn’t mean they can’t handle kindness. Stop giving excuses for his cheating. He is a cheater and there is an explanation why he’s the way he is, but not justified at all unless he was forced in the beginning. He wasn’t as you can see.

    The uke gave no thought at all before jumping into the black haired dude’s arms and blushing, that is not normal. He needs to work that out with therapy before hurting another person just because he was abused. Taehwan doesn’t need to endure all that cheating shit.

    Heu77 December 11, 2023 3:06 pm
    I read the raws and it was more like: the seme took advantage of the uke in a difficult moment. It is very difficult to escape from your abuser. The seme has spent almost a decade making uke hate himself and be... Cristy

    That’s why the uke needs to work it out before getting into a relationship, I get that he’s been abused but he’s not being any better by cheating and hurting someone in the process. Taehwan deserves a better partner, Uke deserves therapy and Black haired dude deserves jail time.

    Cristy December 11, 2023 3:13 pm
    That’s why the uke needs to work it out before getting into a relationship, I get that he’s been abused but he’s not being any better by cheating and hurting someone in the process. Taehwan deserves a bet... Heu77

    I agree, but that's another issue. And I don't think anyone would want to read a story about the main character getting therapy and no drama happening. But I do hope he has a happy ending and that he finally gets the help he needs.

    Heu77 December 11, 2023 3:18 pm
    Yes, this story deals with trauma realistically (relatively of course).I'm so used to trauma in manga looking like "uwu I'm so poor and cute".It's really horrible to see how hard victim blaming goes on in the c... Cristy

    And idk how the author is portraying trauma but it’s not that realistic. Sure victims can go back to their abusers, but they do not just jump into someone’s arm and kiss them without thinking one bit. In the raws, the uke says “I like it” while spreading his ass, and then later crying, while the situation was messed up and disgusting because of how the black haired guy is treating him, I still don’t think his cheating is justified.

    Maybe it’s because I’m a victim myself, I relate to the uke more and understand, but it’s hard to understand how you can just jump into the abuser’s arms and just not think for once. I was nearly killed by mine, I still went back, but out of manipulation and how naive I used to be. Uke is definitely stuck in the childish mindset, not being able to communicate is extremely sad, his family sucks and so does the black haired dude. I still don’t think “oh he’s abused and he cheated, oh well”. I react strongly to these cheating situations because I’ve been a victim of it and going back to the abuser is just sickening but im aware that not all victims think.

    It’s still disgusting. I still think Taehwan deserves a better partner, I wouldn’t want anyone to live through being cheated. Had Taehwan abused him, I would’ve understood a bit I guess but this one makes less sense. The sudden shift is just like what? But I continue reading just to find the resolution.

    I do hope the uke actually has development, otherwise the author really did fetishize. It’s possible for authors to have rape kinks and cheating kinks. It happens.

    Heu77 December 11, 2023 3:20 pm
    I agree, but that's another issue. And I don't think anyone would want to read a story about the main character getting therapy and no drama happening. But I do hope he has a happy ending and that he finally ge... Cristy

    I would want to read that. Drama would definitely happen, it doesn’t need to involve cheating. Maybe some of you guys can overlook cheating because of his situation, but I can’t, it’s sickening and I feel sad but also mad at the black haired dude for ruining.

    I do hope the MC gets his happy ending once he sees a therapist, if author doesn’t give him any development, they didn’t think it through. I know Mc won’t change magically overnight so some time skip would be fine. I don’t want a story where it focuses whole lot on therapy meeting but more like we just get the idea that he did go to therapy and tried to get better mentally.

    Cristy December 11, 2023 3:26 pm
    I would want to read that. Drama would definitely happen, it doesn’t need to involve cheating. Maybe some of you guys can overlook cheating because of his situation, but I can’t, it’s sickening and I feel... Heu77

    I'm sure there are people who will still read this but not many. People tend to leave after the conflict is "solved" for them. And I use quotation marks because of course it won't be solved so easily.

    Heu77 December 11, 2023 3:29 pm
    I'm sure there are people who will still read this but not many. People tend to leave after the conflict is "solved" for them. And I use quotation marks because of course it won't be solved so easily. Cristy

    Yeah that I agree with. I personally like to get to the ending before stopping, otherwise I’ll be stuck with my own questions. Also apparently black haired dude is the endgame (someone said based off author twitter but idk), is this true?

    Cristy December 11, 2023 3:33 pm
    Yeah that I agree with. I personally like to get to the ending before stopping, otherwise I’ll be stuck with my own questions. Also apparently black haired dude is the endgame (someone said based off author t... Heu77

    I find this hard to believe, especially since it comes from the people in the comments here.
    Shows that the writer is very aware that Minho is a piece of trash beyond saving.

    Cristy December 11, 2023 3:34 pm
    I find this hard to believe, especially since it comes from the people in the comments here.Shows that the writer is very aware that Minho is a piece of trash beyond saving. Cristy

    ****I think the author is aware...

    I made a small mistake with the sentence, oops

    Heu77 December 11, 2023 3:45 pm
    I find this hard to believe, especially since it comes from the people in the comments here.Shows that the writer is very aware that Minho is a piece of trash beyond saving. Cristy

    I sure hope so. I think the best ending is either for uke to develop and be with Taehwan or heal and stay friends with taehwan. Right now, he isn’t a good partner, which he can’t work on it alone. He needs a friend if not a therapist, to help him realize what he did was wrong and it’s a result from being in an abusive relationship. I read the raws and I can see the uke regret what he did (cheating) and probably wanted to stop but the black haired dude blackmailed him (I’m sure he did). The one who should kill himself is the black haired dude, end of story.

    Heu77 December 11, 2023 3:48 pm
    Just because YOU reacted that way or felt a certain way doesn't mean EVERYONE reacts the same way to abuse or abusive relationships or their abusers. You shouldn't generalize people or situations, and worse, ma... Tammicita

    Also sorry if I sounded harsh. I realize I was a bit too harsh and ignorant when I implied all victims go against their abusers right away.

    Heu77 December 11, 2023 3:49 pm
    ****I think the author is aware...I made a small mistake with the sentence, oops Cristy

    Also sorry if I was a bit too harsh, I don’t react well to these types of situation as I’m a victim myself. I realize I was ignorant when I implied all victims go against their abusers. I just wish the author hadn’t shown all those sex scenes between the black haired guy and the uke, it could’ve just been implied they did it and left that be.

    Cristy December 11, 2023 4:05 pm
    Also sorry if I was a bit too harsh, I don’t react well to these types of situation as I’m a victim myself. I realize I was ignorant when I implied all victims go against their abusers. I just wish the auth... Heu77

    Don't worry about it. It's fine.

    Cristy December 11, 2023 4:07 pm
    I sure hope so. I think the best ending is either for uke to develop and be with Taehwan or heal and stay friends with taehwan. Right now, he isn’t a good partner, which he can’t work on it alone. He needs ... Heu77

    But that won't be satisfying , I need Minho to suffer for what he did to uke.

    Heu77 December 11, 2023 4:14 pm
    But that won't be satisfying , I need Minho to suffer for what he did to uke. Cristy

    Oh right of course Minho has to suffer. I was just thinking about Taehwan and Woojin’s ending together in some form. Minho needs to get the same treatment he gave to Woojin.

    Cristy December 11, 2023 4:35 pm
    Oh right of course Minho has to suffer. I was just thinking about Taehwan and Woojin’s ending together in some form. Minho needs to get the same treatment he gave to Woojin. Heu77

    I really like them as a couple. I hope they are the endgame.

    Heu77 December 11, 2023 4:38 pm
    I really like them as a couple. I hope they are the endgame. Cristy

    I don’t like their relationship right now or them as a couple right now but it’s clear Woojin would be happier and lead a happier life if it’s with Taehwan. Both of them needs to get past the hurdle and off with the Minho dude, he’s pissing me off.

    Tammicita December 11, 2023 6:48 pm
    I’m saying this because the amount of BL authors that show the sexual scenes is literally fetishization. Another work they have done is literally also that except they don’t go all the way. My point is, bei... Heu77

    I'm not giving excuses for his cheating. That part is wrong no matter what. What I object to you is saying that the author is "fetishising" abuse or the behavior of abused people. Again, people react differently to abuse, whether that behavior is wrong or not. The author is presenting one REALISTIC way abused people do act. Because some of them aren't capable of being in healthy relationships after years of abuse. Just like you are basically telling me that I shouldn't generalize abused people not being able to accept kindness, you shouldn't generalize that they CAN. Or accuse authors of "fetashising" just because they are showing a different perspective of youth own experiences and reactions to them.

    Uhh December 12, 2023 3:58 am
    I still don’t like the uke, nothing will ever justify him cheating. I can see why he’s so childish and insecure though. He did the same shit the ex did, both of them can be together for all I care (apparent... Heu77

    Obviously nothing will justify his toxicity and he needs to take accountability and do better. But he is a victim too. He’s been treated like shit for 7 years so he doesn’t know better. That shit really ruins a person. So he needs therapy man. I don’t think he’s inherently bad, he’s just stupid and hasn’t had the right support. (I don’t read raws so I don’t know how much worse this gets).
    I don’t think he’s bad enough to deserve all the hate he gets though. He is definitely stupid and his actions are inexcusable but he’s redeemable. I’d want to see him learn and heal.

    Heu77 December 12, 2023 4:08 am
    Obviously nothing will justify his toxicity and he needs to take accountability and do better. But he is a victim too. He’s been treated like shit for 7 years so he doesn’t know better. That shit really rui... Uhh

    I’m not saying he’s bad as a human, he’s bad as a partner and realized what he did was wrong so I don’t get why some people are saying him cheating is excusable cause he was abused. Being traumatized isn’t a pass to hurt someone else, it’s an explanation.
    I read the raws and it gets worse, but hopefully it’ll resolve. I hate the black haired guy the most.

    I think he deserves the hate for cheating, but not to the point of killing himself, no fucking way. That’s too far. If anyone, the black haired guy should go fuck himself.

    Cristy December 12, 2023 11:47 am
    Obviously nothing will justify his toxicity and he needs to take accountability and do better. But he is a victim too. He’s been treated like shit for 7 years so he doesn’t know better. That shit really rui... Uhh

    I read the raws and it really isn't as bad as the comments here make it sound. It was very clear that Minho was taking advantage of a moment when he was especially mentally vulnerable to crawl back under his skin.

    Cristy December 12, 2023 11:50 am

    And I don't understand why this... debate(?) continues because we all here basically think the same thing.

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