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sarcat like topic of Jinx

The whole “toxic trope” doesn’t always have to wrap around grape. It’s annoying, like poor Dan, only good thing about this, is the art.

sarcat created a topic of My Amnesiac Affairs

This comments are so weird...
Even fictional women can't take a break from misogyny. People are really slutshaming and also dragging her looks and personality while the males in this story are the ones who are so desperate for sex and their entire personality is being horny assholes, so who is the real hoe here?
This is a just harmless fantasy, she isn't raping or hurting anyone.

sarcat created a topic of Jujutsu Kaisen

That panel with Yuta apologizing to Rika for moving his ring to his right hand...
Something happened that we didn't get to see, I just hope it's not bad.

sarcat created a topic of Jujutsu Kaisen

first of all let me start by saying that I'm not a fan of Gojo however, I did think he would be back (not in this chapter but eventually).
Gege never throws random stuff around and that airport scene with Gojo and everybody didn't seem random, specially when Gojo was talking about going South instead of North... what was all that about if Gojo is just gone then?

sarcat created a topic of Jujutsu Kaisen

At first I was worried about Sukuna eating Yuji just like he did to his twin but now I'm thinking about jjk ending with Yuji eating Sukuna (He has done it once already). Would Sukuna continue existing inside Yuji or would he die and get absorbed like his twin?

sarcat created a topic of Jujutsu Kaisen

When is this bs gonna end? It's so boring to read the same fight with different characters over and over again.
The story is just dragging unnecessarily and repeating itself. Yuji still hasn't gotten any major development, there are too many unanswered questions and vague storylines even though we're getting close to the end. Like how did Yuji's parents dies, why did Kenjaku choose Yuji's dad, are Yuji and Sukuna related?
How did Gojo die exactly, Sukuna's backstory and how he became the way he is or the reason he was sealed as cursed objects...
I can go on and on.

sarcat created a topic of Mr. Kang's Son-in-law

Lmao, this is such a messy story. The father-in-law is abusive, homophobic and controlling. The son-in-law is manipulative and perverted. The son is just a boring dvmbass, the story was going relatively fine before he showed up again and made it into such mess. Regardless this is fun to read