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jackskiss created a topic of Selena

I love the little detail about serena’s signature shes so cute

jackskiss created a topic of Another World Dump Truck

And there’s literally sunshine blasting on them

jackskiss created a topic of Love, How Do You Do That

Bro at least do the full chapter if you’re gonna do it

gorl where the fuck are their nipples

jackskiss created a topic of Selena

the way we could have had more serena/eizer crumbs in the chapter if dia wasnt there

jackskiss created a topic of Olgami

The sexual tension between them why is he built so fine

jackskiss created a topic of Romantic Revenge

Cant believe someone called the art in this crappy

jackskiss created a topic of Selena

The fact that his world started becoming colorful when serena arrived

jackskiss created a topic of Free in Dreams

No offense but what did bro think was gonna happen when he took her to meet his parents like ofc they’re gonna want to talk about their relationship thats about to be long distance

jackskiss created a topic of First Love, Lasting Hate

nah idc what yall say ML is just chefs kiss for me

jackskiss created a topic of Lucky Paradise

but what the actual fuck is this arc in the neverending side storyline bro was yapping the entire chapter

jackskiss created a topic of Betrayal of Dignity

the amount of people who think damien’s going to do something actually awful to chloe (like harm her or something) i get that he’s not the typical good guy ML yall want usually but holy shit we cant possibly be reading the same story if that is how you perceive damien’s character in regards to chloe

jackskiss like the answer
Hm, for me when I was 2nd yr college I became a fan of BTS from the time they release Danger Choreography. They really captured me from then. They really made my standard for kpop grew. Im fan of other boy groups too but of course only based on the choreo, music, lyrics message and etc. not like how i like BTS, i love everything in them as a whol......

omg i loveeee this so much. its also fucking funny.

jackskiss created a topic of In the Doghouse

Called them senile

Tuned in right at the end and the art gave me a bit of a jumpscare ngl i went back to double check bc i swear i remembered the art being more refined

jackskiss created a topic of Queen Cecia's Shorts

theres so much i love about this story i cant even begin to explain it always pleases me immensely when female friendships are portrayed so beautifully and the concept of femininity and what being a woman means in all and varying contexts is touched upon in such a nuanced way makes me so happy belated women’s day to my lovely ladies here <3

The things i do for good art style