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yeeeeahboy August 1, 2018 8:55 am

I find it genuinely hilarious that Sakurada thought wearing a mask would prevent women from noticing how he's staring at their bodies (≧∀≦)

at least they don't have to see his creepy/lewd smile

yeeeeahboy July 10, 2018 2:22 pm

dedicated entirely to Young-Do's great butt

yeeeeahboy July 3, 2018 3:40 pm

(╯°Д °)╯╧╧

yeeeeahboy July 2, 2018 5:08 am

Mari hasn't been a great character since the beginning due to her affairs with married men. But let's also not forget that Junyoung thought Sihoon was Mari's new boyfriend and he still went through with the relationship for most of the story. He felt bad but he still did it.

Also Mari considered Junyoung her best friend if I remember correctly. He was aware of her relationships but when he finally pursued one with someone else she was left in the dark about it. Never mind the fact that his new partner is her own brother. Despite the circumstances and misinformation, that's a pretty big betrayal.

I think it's very easy to demonize practically everyone in this story for some reason or another, but I think it's not that simple. The author purposely wrote this way so that we can see the mistakes each character makes, how these mistakes affect their lives and relationships, and how they cope with guilt.

This story is amazing and the fact that people are so divided shows exactly how much dimension the characters have. I hope that we get to see more character development with Mari as we've been able to see with Junyoung and Sihoon.

    Cloe900311 July 2, 2018 5:25 am

    I agree. If I were Mari, I'd be upset (or at least confused) at Junyoung for not telling me about his new (and first!) romance, when we're best friends and I always tell him about my love affairs. ;_____; You'd assume that best friends trust each other and share stuff with each other. I know sometimes people don't share personal information, but it's completely normal for close and dear friends to update each other on their lives.

    I know Junyoung was feeling conflicted because he was living with the man he thought was Mari's boyfriend, but it wasn't right of Junyoung to suddenly disappear from Mari's life during that time... I still remember chapter 31 when Mari said, "Have you missed me at all? I missed you a lot." That was a mature moment from Mari to talk with Junyoung by admitting her feelings and wondering what happened. Mari could have been so angry at Junyoung for disappearing, but she was sympathetic to Junyoung's romance problems. And even when Mari found out Junyoung and Sihoon were seeing each other, she was happy for them, and she assumed Junyoung stayed silent out of fear that she'd discover he's gay. Mari still proved to be a supportive friend.

    Chapter 52 though... Why do you think Mari was upset? Was Mari upset that Sihoon and Junyoung were being lovey-dovey, as if her feelings didn't matter? After Junyoung and Sihoon entered their lovey-dovey phase, both parties didn't initiate to speak with her again... ;______;

    yeeeeahboy July 2, 2018 5:50 am
    I agree. If I were Mari, I'd be upset (or at least confused) at Junyoung for not telling me about his new (and first!) romance, when we're best friends and I always tell him about my love affairs. ;_____; You'd... Cloe900311

    Wow yes! I agree with you and appreciate the reminders about these details. Mari might be bad with romantic relationships but she really tries as a friend, so it's not easy to just write her off as terrible.

    I do believe in chapter 52 that Mari was upset at both of them for not confronting her properly and talking things through. Her best friend and her older brother got together and it seems she feels a bit shut out. Despite her flaws, she likes communication. Those two (adorable) dummies didn't communicate with each other and now they won't communicate with her and just clear the air! I think she feels neglected by two of the most important people in her life, and she has a right to feel this way at this point.

    Cloe900311 July 2, 2018 6:31 am
    Wow yes! I agree with you and appreciate the reminders about these details. Mari might be bad with romantic relationships but she really tries as a friend, so it's not easy to just write her off as terrible.I d... yeeeeahboy

    Mari's upset but she hasn't officially unfriended Junyoung, so she still loves him. LOL, Mari would still barge through Sihoon's door (like she did in chapter 40) and have a talk with him if our uke was in tears because of Daddy. x)

    Some people wonder why Mari is upset at Sihoon. We've known for a long time that Mari is unhappy with Sihoon. Sihoon just moved out of home and lived alone and went to work without really spending any family time. Their mother cooks and I think asks Mari to deliver the food to Sihoon. Mari could make up excuses and not go to Sihoon's apartment, but she still does it. I think Mari uses food deliveries as her opportunities to see her brother :/ and we could tell she does want to, like when she said she wanted to sleep over in chapter 39. So, Sihoon not telling Mari about his relationship with Junyoung was something Mari would have been happy to hear about, from Sihoon or Junyoung, but both parties never told her... :/ As one person's sister and as the other person's best friend, it's no surprise Mari is upset....

    So, I agree with you that Mari likes communication. Even when Seongjong cancelled on their date to Busan on a yacht to spend time with his family, Mari was appreciative of Seongjong for still thinking of her and letting her know via his flower delivery at school.

    LOL, Junyoung and Sihoon are adorable dummies <33 It's funny that Sihoon and Junyoung had a major communication problem and had their distance, but now they had their affectionate name-calling conversation and love being together! XDD Sihoon and Junyoung just live in their own world. <33

    I don't know if Junyoung and Sihoon not talking with Mari is Mari's problem or their problem LOL.

    yeeeeahboy July 2, 2018 7:02 am

    I love seeing Junyoung and Sihoon so lovey dovey after all that time of miscommunication! They really deserve to be happy with each other at long last (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    I agree with you again. Mari cares so much for both of them and I hope people give her more of a chance in the upcoming chapters. I think we can all agree that they all have made poor decisions at one time or another haha. I just want all of them to have a happy ending and reconcile!! The blame doesn't need to be put on anyone in order for them to make up (▰˘◡˘▰)

    yeeeeahboy July 2, 2018 7:04 am
    Mari's upset but she hasn't officially unfriended Junyoung, so she still loves him. LOL, Mari would still barge through Sihoon's door (like she did in chapter 40) and have a talk with him if our uke was in tear... Cloe900311

    oops forgot to press reply! my response is above if you want to read it. thank you for your thoughts btw ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Cloe900311 July 3, 2018 2:41 am
    I love seeing Junyoung and Sihoon so lovey dovey after all that time of miscommunication! They really deserve to be happy with each other at long last (๑•ㅂ•)و✧I agree with you again. Mari cares so mu... yeeeeahboy

    Awe, thanks for sending me another response. I appreciate it and I thank you for continuing this conversation. :)) I'd like us to be friends, if you don't mind.

    OMG, I find myself grinning SO MUCH at Sihoon and Junyoung's cuteness!! XDD Junyoung and Sihoon are so pure when they're together, it's so beautiful that it's difficult to explain in words ;______; I love that Junyoung is enjoying his first love and he's gotten so much happier; he doesn't need to worry about rent and a creepy landlord, and he has a passion. :)) I love that Sihoon stopped living that robotic life of just going to work and he's finally receiving affection and enjoying his time with loved ones. <33

    I agree with you regarding the characters making poor decisions.

    We could see that Sihoon has been an escapist for so long. Instead of being honest that he doesn't want to be a lawyer like his father and grandfather, Sihoon escaped the situation by choosing medical school. Sihoon also never told his family he's gay and living away from them is a way for him to have his own privacy (if Sihoon lived with Mari and their mother, his relationship with Junyoung could never happen....). + Sihoon ran away from Jiseok by enlisting in the army when Jiseok became overly dependent, instead of talking and finding solutions together. It wasn't fair for Junyoung when Sihoon gave our uke the cold shoulder after morning sex too. :(( I like that we see Sihoon acknowledge his decisions after talking with Seongjong and realized he didn't want to escape anymore, so he was persistent with Junyoung like going to Junyoung's workplace and trying to convince our uke, "let's go home" (chapter 36). <33 We could see that Sihoon only gave up when he saw Junyoung and Hyuk together, which would have anyone think Junyoung moved on for good. :/

    We all know it was a poor choice on Junyoung's part to pursue a relationship with the man he thought was Mari's boyfriend. I know people have been complaining for the longest time that Junyoung never clarified the misunderstanding. Yet, I could see why Junyoung didn't... Junyoung was just afraid. What if Junyoung confronted Sihoon and Sihoon got tired of Junyoung and left? Junyoung didn't feel there was a future to their relationship because he genuinely thought Daddy was a cheating husband and father LOL. I think anyone in Junyoung's position would be afraid, and this is Junyoung's first relationship, so he has no prior experience to rely on. It's sad that Junyoung didn't feel he could talk with Mari because wouldn't anyone get pissed off if they found out their best friend was dating their boyfriend?? I think that conflict led Junyoung to not talk with Mari. Perhaps Junyoung is honest in his own way: if Junyoung acted like he was happy when he wasn't and lied by saying he doesn't have a boyfriend, that would be dishonesty to Mari. So, I think Junyoung chose to stay away from Mari than brag about the man he thought Mari was dating. If Sihoon really was Mari's boyfriend... OMG, imagine what an insensitive move it'd be to say, "Your boyfriend is TOO good in bed." #-.-) Maybe not consciously/intentionally, but Junyoung was considerate of Mari. + we see that it's because Junyoung was afraid of Sihoon breaking up with him and having his own feelings hurt that he broke up with Sihoon first.

    I love that the misunderstanding led to both parties having beautiful communication. There isn't fear of losing each other (Sihoon doesn't escape anymore and Junyoung asks questions), but they both know that they talk because they want to stay together. <3

    We haven't heard about another affair from Mari... Maybe Mari stopped dating married men??

    You're right about the blame not having to be put on one person. Everyone has made poor choices, but what's important is that they learn and move on. :)) Everyone deserves happiness.

    yeeeeahboy July 3, 2018 10:08 am
    Awe, thanks for sending me another response. I appreciate it and I thank you for continuing this conversation. :)) I'd like us to be friends, if you don't mind.OMG, I find myself grinning SO MUCH at Sihoon and ... Cloe900311

    Thank you for such an in depth analysis of the characters. I genuinely feel that people are acting as though Mari is the most evil person ever when in reality, we're just not seeing things from her point of view. If this story were from her perspective, I'm sure people would be demonizing Sihoon and Junyoung more because it tends to be easier to empathize with the main character of a story. We would also probably hear more about why she only dates married men. I'm sure there are several messed up reasons that have caused her to be the person she is today. Everyone has skeletons in their closet. We see Mari doing bad things, but we don't see what's led to her make these bad decisions so suddenly to everyone reading the story she's just a bitter and petty person. Even villains in movies are written for the audience to feel empathy towards them.

    But as you said, I'm happy too to see the story get to this point. Sihoon and Junyoung are so cute together and I hope they can both reconcile with Mari while maintaining their relationship. Also I love that Junyoung found a direction he wants to go in and open a restaurant. I really hope we get to see a scene of them going into business together

    This story is so great and I'm attached to all the characters!!

    Cloe900311 July 5, 2018 3:51 am
    Thank you for such an in depth analysis of the characters. I genuinely feel that people are acting as though Mari is the most evil person ever when in reality, we're just not seeing things from her point of vie... yeeeeahboy

    People unfortunately pick and choose what they want to see, instead of acknowledge everything that has been presented to us. :/ No one in this story is an angel.

    Sihoon has been neglecting his family for years and neglected poor Jiseok too. Sihoon has neglected Junyoung too, but people seem to forgive him because of how tender Sihoon is. <33 Sihoon's past pushed him to be the lover he is today. Otherwise, Junyoung would be treated the same way Jiseok was treated... :/ I think putting the effort to get Junyoung back and quitting his job were moments when Sihoon FINALLY did what he wanted, and now the man realizes he wants to go on a family vacation! How many more years would Sihoon have continued working, without spending time with his mother who always thinks her son is busy because of work, and his sister who only sees him through food deliveries? >< So, basically, Sihoon wasn't perfect from Day 1 either. I'm amazed when I see people talk as if Sihoon is completely innocent. - I adore Daddy too, but Daddy hasn't been that awesome for many years.

    And people forget that Junyoung never expected to fall in love with Sihoon and allowed to follow his emotions by living in the moment. Junyoung seemed so uninterested in love before meeting Sihoon, so for him to suddenly follow his emotions speaks volumes on how much he wanted Sihoon. Not enough people are praising Junyoung for choosing to break up with Sihoon; Junyoung acknowledged it was wrong to date a married father and chose to end the relationship before it escalated. I want to give our uke at least some sort of a pass here: Sihoon is his first love LOL. Daddy was the first man Junyoung had heartwarming sex with. The fact that Junyoung was touched by Sihoon's tenderness and care makes me wonder if Junyoung has met that many good people in his life... Crappy landlord and we haven't seen Junyoung's family. Maybe Junyoung's family don't care about how he's living. :/

    I understand people getting upset at Junyoung for not clarifying the misunderstanding, but I think both parties had a role to play there: Sihoon never revealed why he doesn't live with his family, never explained why he wants their relationship to be kept a secret from Mari, and never specified their relationship status either. Sihoon did start their relationship out of boredom of his own life and curiosity of where their relationship would go, so Daddy wasn't an angel then either... Meanwhile, Junyoung, like I said, was afraid and saw no reason to clarify what he thought was the truth (interesting that Mari never talked about her brother to her best friend, huh? Junyoung didn't know about Sihoon's existence before seeing Daddy in-person(● ̄(エ) ̄●) ) + Junyoung did want to leave Sihoon's apartment LOL but it takes time to find your own place when you consider the rent you'll have to pay too...

    So, if we were to get chapters from Mari's perspective, we would definitely understand where she is coming from. Nobody likes to be kept in the dark regarding information about very important people in their lives. It could be seen as disrespectful even, since Mari found out about Sihoon and Junyoung's relationship on her own, instead of them telling her. If any of us were Mari, we'd rather be invited to a dinner where Sihoon and Junyoung announce their relationship (and yeah, be the lovebirds they are LOL even if we cringe at it), than to coincidentally find out because we happened to see a school book with our best friend's name on it, at our brother's apartment. :/

    Hmm... I get the feeling that Mari likes that married men give her attention, despite them having reasons not to do so. Married men could tell Mari they're spending time with their families or they're busy at work, but the fact that they still make time for her, despite the obvious excuses they could give her, seems touching. If those married men could give Mari attention, why not Sihoon? Sihoon has been ignoring his family's feelings. Mari can't even share how she feels about Sihoon's absence either, because their mother would just say Sihoon is busy with work. (And look at that, Daddy had time to give Junyoung attention and even ran after him...) I get the feeling that Mari is lonely.

    I'm so attached to Junyoung and Sihoon LOL!! This story gives me hope regarding relationships between people in general. Sometimes, we have misunderstandings and fight, but if we're willing to talk, it's beautiful to see how much could be cleared up. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I want to see Junyoung happy with his future restaurant, with Daddy still by his side. I fear we won't get the passionate love scenes anymore.... :(( I still want to see naked Daddy in an apron. <33

    clouds July 5, 2018 4:19 am
    People unfortunately pick and choose what they want to see, instead of acknowledge everything that has been presented to us. :/ No one in this story is an angel.Sihoon has been neglecting his family for years a... Cloe900311

    I have to disagree with your claim that he is neglecting his family. It's pretty normal for most adults no longer living at home to infrequently see their parents. Sihoon is keeping regular contact with his parent, and meets up with his sister. Sihoon prioritising his own partner, work obligations over his mother and sister is pretty normal and expected. Another aspect is that Sihoon is hiding the fact he is gay, and the environment he is in a homophobic one, so maybe he feels it was a way to protect his career and his family.

    Cloe900311 July 5, 2018 5:20 am
    I have to disagree with your claim that he is neglecting his family. It's pretty normal for most adults no longer living at home to infrequently see their parents. Sihoon is keeping regular contact with his par... clouds

    Wow, when I got a notification, I thought it was from @yeeeeahboy. Good to see you again @clouds :)

    We've seen more one-sided contact from Mari through the food deliveries, and according to Mari in chapter 9, their mother nags at Sihoon to come home. It doesn't seem Sihoon really updates them on his life. I still remember that surprise look on Mari's face when Sihoon came to pick her up from school in chapter one. These moments show us that he didn't initiate very often. :/ It didn't appear that Sihoon made a lot of effort to at least call or text his family first, even if he can't go to their house every night for dinner.

    I'm not a fan of Mari turning her attention to Sihoon when Seongjong's wife came to Sihoon's apartment in chapter 45, but Mari exclaiming, "You act like a stranger, all passive and indifferent. It pisses me and Mom off," shows that Sihoon, although he may be in contact with his family, hasn't made much effort to make them happy at least. :c Although, thankfully, Sihoon came home and told his mother he's unemployed, and suggested the family trip and sincerely expressed how much he loves her food. That initiative and attentiveness is what Mari and their mother wants from him, even if he can't devote a lot of time for them. In a way, Sihoon has been in his own world with work, that he hasn’t paid attention to nurturing his relationship with his mother and sister and didn’t thoroughly consider how they feel.

    It's sad that people could place their work and lovers over their families. It's as if people take advantage, believing that their family will always be there, so they're not always motivated to prioritize or make continuous effort to be with their family, huh? :/

    Speaking about the mother not knowing Sihoon's gay... I wonder if the author is going to address that. <.< We heard the mother talk about setting up a blind date for Sihoon, and she used the work excuse for Sihoon not having a girlfriend. Now that Sihoon is unemployed, this is probably the chance for the mother to set up a blind date… But I guess the mother is now occupied with planning their family vacation, so she hasn’t brought up the topic again.

    clouds July 5, 2018 5:28 am
    Wow, when I got a notification, I thought it was from @yeeeeahboy. Good to see you again @clouds :)We've seen more one-sided contact from Mari through the food deliveries, and according to Mari in chapter 9, th... Cloe900311

    I do understand your point, as ideally he would be a doting son, but that's life. Whether he was distracted by work or not, his limited contact with his family doesn't seem that unusual. Sihoon "being in the closet" at such an age, shows that he has been hiding his identity for decades, it was why his first boyfriend (the artist) broke up with him. In SK you do hear of people losing their jobs, being bullied at work and discriminated in their personal life, just for being LGBT so maybe he was pressured by this? Now Mari knows he's gay, as did his (ex) work mate. Not the mother though, I wonder if Mari, in her angr will "out" her brother to their mother, which obviously would be insensitive, Hopefully though the author will show Sihoon being able to be openly gay, and to tell his mother himself. As it seems like he feels more secure in himself now.

    Cloe900311 July 8, 2018 11:04 pm
    I do understand your point, as ideally he would be a doting son, but that's life. Whether he was distracted by work or not, his limited contact with his family doesn't seem that unusual. Sihoon "being in the c... clouds

    Hey clouds! I'm back on this site and ready to reply. :)

    I don't think Mari would be insensitive enough to tell their mother that Sihoon is gay. ;----; It's probably best for the mother to not know or for Sihoon to tell her himself and have her accept it. I also think Sihoon was maybe pressured by the discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community in South Korea to keep quiet about his sexuality. :/ It would be sad if Sihoon felt that he needed to move out of home, so his family wouldn't discover he's gay. And LOL, when you mentioned that Seongjong knows Sihoon is gay, that reminded me of that embarrassing confrontation that happened in Sihoon's apartment!! I still cringe at the second-hand embarrassment I felt XD

yeeeeahboy July 1, 2018 8:11 pm

we love a bi-curious werewolf queen

(really though, this guy has gotten on my good side SO FAST)

yeeeeahboy June 29, 2018 12:35 pm

Young-do is so T H I C C. I love how he's illustrated. He just seems so simultaneously delicate yet strong like an ACTUAL guy you could meet irl. He reminds me of people I know so I'm getting even more attached to him. I love typical yaoi but reading this has been a beautiful journey thus far (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

yeeeeahboy June 29, 2018 8:26 am

I love getting Sangwoo's backstory. Seeing exactly what turned him into the person he is in the present is very interesting. It's also beginning to clarify his unwilling attraction/empathy towards Bum. It'll be very sad if everyone is right about the molestation :/

yeeeeahboy June 27, 2018 10:26 am

(╯°Д °)╯╧╧

yeeeeahboy June 24, 2018 9:04 am

I just wanna thank the uploader for posting all these chapters at once. Now I don't have to stress out about whether or not that sunbae was going to get away with blackmail.
What a creep

yeeeeahboy June 19, 2018 8:00 am

These last few chapters have really healed my soul

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