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jung heewon fan created a topic of Love Thy Neighbor

she’s so ill i love her

jung heewon fan created a topic of Love Thy Neighbor

the nerve of this husband the way he thinks about jinjoo.. he’s pissing me off

jung heewon fan created a topic of Night Fragments

aaawww i feel so bad for them, they both had sad lives in different ways tbh and it seems like they were eo’s closest relationship and support yk :/ sad

waking up earlier just so you can see her everyday….. that’s so sweet

jung heewon fan created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

braaaw the tension is crazy rn omg. and seyeong smiling looked so cute

jung heewon fan created a topic of Night Fragments

still waiting for the moment vince will feel like a real character idk it’s like he’s just There while aryka does everything i think that may be the reason they lack chemistry

you see your friend’s safety is at risk and dgaf and don’t even try to warn him what a shitty friend

so cuteeee i love this concept and the art too this has a lot of potential

jung heewon fan created a topic of Kill Me If You Can

the creator is at fault for making him a bloody twink lmfao imagine if piggy regained his age progressed look bc it’s his original form or smth like that… it’d be interesting

jung heewon fan created a topic of Guiding Hazard

his buttons being blue bc it reminds him of taegun’s blue eyes bloody hell…….. no words needed. made me falter a bit.

jung heewon fan created a topic of Asahi to Satsuki

omg no please comeback author…. author please…. please pleaseEWWeEEEEE we need a series i’ll cry…. my butches…….

nooooo if it ends up being similar to what dad did i’ll be really disappointed :/ i hope the autor addresses what exactly jihwan has instead of keeping this vague antisocial profile, and just yk get him some actual treatment. i never see that in media and it sucks

bro i just saw this has 115 chapters in total wtf

i’m team hatano!! it makes sense cuz they met eo when mc wasn’t aware and avoidant about raising flags yet ^^

lmfao i love his face of disgust after swallowing cum it’s such a common trope i wouldn’t doubt some people genuinely think it’s edible lol

jung heewon fan created a topic of Daraku Kazoku-ron

so actually both of them don’t believe they can be good dads bc their sense of self worth is in the gutter…