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fleurlovin <3 add 1 photos to Rando

Omfg, is he the dude who was looking for his lost daughter???

fleurlovin <3 add 1 photos to Rando

bro's speedrunning this

fleurlovin <3 add 1 photos to Rando

adorable dumbasses

fleurlovin <3 add 1 photos to Rando

it's so goofy looking lol

fleurlovin <3 add 1 photos to Rando

Dude's gonna fuck up horribly.

fleurlovin <3 add 1 photos to Rando

So does bro have a specific reason for the sunglasses or is he just tryna be cool..?

fleurlovin <3 add 1 photos to Rando

The little dipshit, he better not be lying just because she rejected him.

fleurlovin <3 add 1 photos to Rando

why is he like this

fleurlovin <3 add 1 photos to Rando
fleurlovin <3 add 1 photos to Rando

Serves him right!!