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Ukyo asked a question

it was something like demonic cult sect leader x heavenly leader
i think it was a manhua or manhwa (murim or wuxia) and the demonic cult lead was idk a demon or dragon. they both also had their respective white/black hair and the demon cult leader was possessive

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Ukyo add 1 photos to wowzers
Ukyo created a topic of A Lady's Secret Life

i feel like i wouldve enjoyed this more if it was still historical era

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Ukyo add 1 photos to wowzers
Ukyo add 1 photos to wowzers
Ukyo add 1 photos to wowzers
Ukyo add 1 photos to wowzers
Ukyo asked a question

i remember it was about this guy who was tryna find his dead brother or smth and had his phone
the phone had like an app on it where people had usernames and could chat but it also had skills on the app and one was to see text messages of other people (inside and outside app)
yeah idk it was a while ago and it wasnt a bl/yaoi

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Ukyo add 1 photos to wowzers


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Ukyo add 1 photos to wowzers
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Ukyo add 1 photos to men
Ukyo asked a question

i literally only remember the first few chaps or smth but basically mc has black or white hair and yellow eyes and is out drinking with this colleague and basically they say that there a serial killer out and theyre killing everyone with a similar appearance to the mc (same hair and eye color) and blah blah mc gets drunk and wakes up kidnapped or smth by the seme

Ukyo add 1 photos to wowzers