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Yash March 13, 2019 1:53 am

Normally Im not one for incest, but the story pulled it off somehow and It all felt natural really, probably because of the whole time conundrum (the revelation that he technically actually fell in love with his son-unknowingly- before he even met his wife which the whole time conundrum plays into).

If you think about it, it's kind of a paradox. The son travels back in time and falls in love with his father (who is younger) and when he disappears, the father falls for the mother initially because she has the same eyes as the boy he fell in love with (the future son). So if you think about it, if the son never traveled back in time and fell in love with his father then the father would have never been initially attracted to the mother (because of her eyes), and then the son wouldn't have been born. If the son never traveled back then he wouldnt exist in the future, and if he didnt exist in the future he wouldnt have been able to cause this all to happen. So the chain of events the son sets in motion by travelling to the past is the reason for his own existence. So it kind of makes you wonder. How did this paradoxical time stream come to be?

    nafu March 13, 2019 1:20 pm

    I think it was hinted in the story that the house itself was the cause. even before the protagonist became part of the loop, Konomi's backstory included one part where his mother was telling him that she saw his grandfather's "ghost". perhaps the house itself has some kind of time wrap-ish kind of tendency

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