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justme02 created a topic of Red Mansion

Mini mart kinda fine with his short hair now


That… was a jumpscare

justme02 created a topic of Backlight
justme02 created a topic of Payback


Bro I didn’t read ch 140 cause I was waiting für the „better quality“ chapter but it was the uploaded all along lmaoo

justme02 created a topic of Waterside Night

I hate that the chapters are so all over the place like ????

justme02 created a topic of No Reason

I dropped this. Can someone tell me the ending of this so I know if it’s worth reading

justme02 created a topic of Non Zero Sum

Can someone tell me where this is in the novel, like which chapter?

justme02 created a topic of Waterside Night

What the fuck is up with the placeholder on chapter 75

Either the fiancé or his ex

justme02 created a topic of My Favorite Idol

24 million likes on a instagram pic? That seems so unreal lmaoo

justme02 created a topic of Touch Up

Can someone explain to me why tattooing over names is illegal? I didn’t know it was or is that just the story

justme02 created a topic of Heat and Love

Well this is what I call a mass update

justme02 followed a list

Is this fr a manga about a boy and a wolf…? Are y’all alright

justme02 created a topic of Plum Blossom Shade

I can’t even express the hate I have for this fucking magistrate. Fucking bitch

justme02 created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

Broo I love how the author just kept getting better and better at drawing. The art is fabulous

justme02 created a topic of Bound

Are they Cousins? Wth

justme02 created a topic of Garfield's Revenge

What happened? Was this dropped