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5 photo
28 10,2022 created

33 photo
10 09,2022 created

1 photo
30 10,2022 created

11 photo
29 10,2022 created

6 photo
13 09,2022 created

5 photo
24 09,2022 created

2 photo
22 10,2022 created

Facts abt like japanse and stuff lol or sm
2 photo
25 09,2022 created

3 photo
18 10,2022 created

4 photo
15 09,2022 created

15 photo
13 09,2022 created

BASICALLY this album is like a One where the made the character in a simple cutsy style:^)
7 photo
20 09,2022 created

Meaning of this I REALLY like it idk why but i just do so deal with it qvq
3 photo
13 10,2022 created

Something that u have to say eh!? OwO
10 photo
25 09,2022 created

5 photo
19 09,2022 created

Lol this was originally a sad momment lidst buttt I but a sense that was a shock one :] (if ur wodering it the what the f happend to his leg or sm i forgo ovo)
7 photo
15 09,2022 created

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