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Melo_moew December 28, 2020 1:42 pm

That so smooth..without unnecessary misunderstanding..I like them

Melo_moew September 26, 2020 1:02 pm

You know it's 120++ chapters already,why can't MC put a little fight?even it's not to win the prince but at least for's kinda boring when it always someone else who defended her like carsein or ruvelis whenever she had to deal with jieun or old goat zena...I didn't see how is she different from her past life?she believed that she is changed but she can't refute to jieun for a simple arguing...please don't let it be another pushover mc

Melo_moew September 19, 2020 10:29 am

I doubt how did she get her lawyer license?she so stupid and too emotional

    pihu September 21, 2020 7:33 pm

    She is not the lawyer, but her husband is the lawyer

    Atsu September 21, 2020 10:46 pm
    She is not the lawyer, but her husband is the lawyer pihu

    I think it s about Jin Nana not Garyung

    Melo_moew September 22, 2020 3:10 pm
    She is not the lawyer, but her husband is the lawyer pihu

    It's about him Nana...her existence was a mistake

    pihu September 22, 2020 3:22 pm


Melo_moew August 30, 2020 2:57 pm

Reading this after finished solo leveling was bad choice man..from first to the end I only see ml as a coward..sorry author your story was good tho

    Rom September 1, 2020 11:40 pm

    Why do you think that Sena as a coward?

    Melo_moew September 3, 2020 12:00 pm
    Why do you think that Sena as a coward? Rom

    Maybe becoz I had a high standard before reading it,I read it straight after solo levelling so I might viewed other ml should be badass too..well I am a bit disappointed when he decided on his own to leave nadira...

Melo_moew August 28, 2020 12:41 pm

I never realized I'm such a masochist,getting tortured reading this even though I knew how shitty the plot is...please just end this neverending cycle of this stupid misunderstanding so that I can stop read this

    Scarlett September 4, 2020 3:37 am

    I wish I could block this story from showing on the recently updated page. Like i just don’t wanna see it.

Melo_moew August 24, 2020 6:30 am

That is sooo selfish Sian...
You used him when you got anxiety over a boys just to feel better about yourself,but in the same time he also had a problem on his open up to him until he trust you as nearly obsessed about you...when you can't handle it you just throw him away and go find another branch to hold in the name to fix your problem..that what happened when you tried to build relationships half ass but never truly understand the person itself...I know many hate yul for his obsession but she shouldn't throw him like that..both of them need someone called psychiatrist to fix their problem not a fake boyfriend or girlfriend to overcome it..

    coffeedrinker August 26, 2020 4:06 pm

    Sian is not selfish. Yul abused her. He manipulated her. He orchestrated for her to be isolated, alone, abandoned, and forced to turn to him. She doesn't need to give him the time of day. He's an abusive, manipulative liar. He needs help, and there's nothing Sian can do to help him, he'll only hurt her - and Sian doesn't need to help him, as a victim of his abuse she does not have any obligation to help him.

    jirachiboy August 27, 2020 5:02 am
    Sian is not selfish. Yul abused her. He manipulated her. He orchestrated for her to be isolated, alone, abandoned, and forced to turn to him. She doesn't need to give him the time of day. He's an abusive, manip... coffeedrinker

    Yes yes, but u see here i have not seen him abuse, manipulate, isolated her and the reason he force her to his room is to talk. He keep his distance untill he tell her he's a man. She only chaught him masturbateing and her only way of seeing him is horny men. He lied to acutely talk to her an so she not afraid and tried to find a chance to talk. He only hurted her because of the accident in the past and his lies in the future. U must see reasons why he did that before u saying that. U must understand people too. The reason why we hate blonde is because he gets what he want because of beauty. U probably like him for his looks to huh.

    Melo_moew August 27, 2020 1:59 pm
    Sian is not selfish. Yul abused her. He manipulated her. He orchestrated for her to be isolated, alone, abandoned, and forced to turn to him. She doesn't need to give him the time of day. He's an abusive, manip... coffeedrinker

    In case if you forgot, she's the one who approached him first, she gave him false hope and false relationship to the point yul almost worship her..if she so innocent why don't she get to know yul's problem?she using him to take a breather from her mother and when yul's didn't give the reaction she hoped,she just throw him using her mother as an excuse..what become yul now are the result of what she groomed to him..she should faced him and explained to him why she did that..but now she did the same thing with blonde too and if the blonde break her expectations I bet she will throw him again

    jirachiboy August 27, 2020 2:18 pm
    In case if you forgot, she's the one who approached him first, she gave him false hope and false relationship to the point yul almost worship her..if she so innocent why don't she get to know yul's problem?she ... Melo_moew


    coffeedrinker August 27, 2020 2:51 pm
    In case if you forgot, she's the one who approached him first, she gave him false hope and false relationship to the point yul almost worship her..if she so innocent why don't she get to know yul's problem?she ... Melo_moew

    lmao did we not read the same story? yul tried to cut her off from everyone but him, make her completely reliant on him. that’s not even subtext, he literally tells us this much. yul emotionally manipulated and abused her into being abandoned, reliant on solely him, isolated, and completely dependent on him. you know, the classic emotional abuser’s goal? oh my god, dude, i’ve never seen someone with such poor reading comprehension before.

    coffeedrinker August 27, 2020 2:56 pm

    like legit read the story, it’s blatant from the first 5 chapters that yul is an abuser. good lord, if that’s how you’re really reading the story, you deeply worry me.

    coffeedrinker August 27, 2020 3:08 pm
    In case if you forgot, she's the one who approached him first, she gave him false hope and false relationship to the point yul almost worship her..if she so innocent why don't she get to know yul's problem?she ... Melo_moew

    Chapter 34:
    “By the time graduation rolled around, I had become completely dependent on him” She admits as much
    “I don’t want you hanging out with other girls ... I want you all to myself. ... You don’t want to? I’m the one asking” Yul guilts and manipulates Sian into isolating herself
    “I shouldn’t tell you this ... You should change your profile pic. The guys might look at it and imagine weird things.” Yul makes her self-conscious about an innocent picture to manipulate her into hating other guys even more, to becoming more reliant on him and to feel he is the ‘only good guy’/the only one she can trust.

    coffeedrinker August 27, 2020 3:17 pm
    Chapter 34:“By the time graduation rolled around, I had become completely dependent on him” She admits as much“I don’t want you hanging out with other girls ... I want you all to myself. ... You don’t... coffeedrinker

    he coerces a guy into being physical and aggressive to Sian, intentionally scaring her and giving her a panic attack, so he can rush in and play hero, causing her literal emotional trauma to make her feel even more reliant on him, that she isn’t safe without him.
    he intentionally talks horribly about Sian’s mom (in an unhelpful way) despite knowing Sian doesn’t want him to and “usually tells [him] to stop.”
    Yul admits to intentionally provoking Sian’s mom into attacking him (obv what she did was wrong, but that’s not the point) to “prove” to Sian that her mom is dangerous and she can’t trust her, and then says he’ll give her bruises and injuries if she wants so she can lie about her mom being physically abusive.

    coffeedrinker August 27, 2020 3:31 pm
    he coerces a guy into being physical and aggressive to Sian, intentionally scaring her and giving her a panic attack, so he can rush in and play hero, causing her literal emotional trauma to make her feel even ... coffeedrinker

    Based on Yul’s face when he suggests the gym
    storage room and his reaction to hearing that the room was being locked up, the reader is led to assume that Yul’s plan or hopes were to lock her in with him overnight if she refused him - I shouldn’t have to explain why physically forcing someone to stay with you is abusive.

    and this is just in the past, not even touching the current relationship.

    Melo_moew August 27, 2020 4:31 pm
    he coerces a guy into being physical and aggressive to Sian, intentionally scaring her and giving her a panic attack, so he can rush in and play hero, causing her literal emotional trauma to make her feel even ... coffeedrinker

    .just as I stated it in the first comment, both of them got their own issues and you can't denied she approached him with intention because of his's right to say that she like his girly face but hate his biological gender??who knew,I am not a great interpreter like you..both of them are just innocent teenager who got abused and traumatized by adults and people around him but what gives her right to consider herself as the only victim and yul is the only villains?she brought him home knowing how her mother could react but when yul gave wrong reaction she just throw him away like used toys?they are both using each other but what make her worst is she just gave up on him the moment she can't controlled it...I don't defend yul actions locked her up,but she got her shares in this too..i hate to say it but she good at using and discarded people at her own convenient...well I liked Sian too in the first place and yul act makes this story more interesting but when she got dumped by blonde what did she do?it just the same cycle again...both blonde and yul are the result of her careless relationship

    jirachiboy August 27, 2020 7:21 pm
    lmao did we not read the same story? yul tried to cut her off from everyone but him, make her completely reliant on him. that’s not even subtext, he literally tells us this much. yul emotionally manipulated a... coffeedrinker

    Ok watch it there Mr. Coffeedrinker u said u read the story but i have not seen him abuse, isolated, and abandoned her. She the one who left u got it? It her mother's fault she cut off by everybody got it? The mother is manipulative. DO NOT dare mention my grammr because i suck at it and that not important. Insulation has no part in this so how about u reread the damn story instead piss people off. Is that all u have to say? U just insulted people and walk off? No, you need to read harry potter book before this if u dont understand what im saying. Oh yea u cant.

    coffeedrinker August 27, 2020 8:50 pm
    .just as I stated it in the first comment, both of them got their own issues and you can't denied she approached him with intention because of his's right to say that she like his girly face but hate h... Melo_moew

    See the thing is... that’s not what happened at all with Sian? Yul was the first guy she felt comfortable approaching, and she was the only girl that took him seriously, hence how their relationship started. She didn’t “like his face but hate his gender”, she liked him, regardless of being male.
    This is where the author wants the reader to contrast Yul and Yujin - Yul was the first guy Sian felt comfortable approaching. Yul uses Sian’s fear of men who to his advantage to help isolate her. Yujin ends up helping Sian overcome her fear of men. But, Yujin isn’t really important in this discussion.
    At the time of the mom incident, firstly, Sian was already being abused by Yul. An abuse victim does not have to apologize or feel bad for abandoning their abuser. Yul’s mental health issues do not mean that Sian, as his victim, needs to stick with him — in fact, that is, in real life, how abusers often force their victims to stay with them. Guilt tripping them. But regardless, Yul went in knowing Sian’s mom is severely mentally ill and terrified of men. He saw her holding a knife and charged her. Sian did not realize how strongly her mom would react or that Yul would intentionally provoke her, and that terrified her.

    I do not know how to make this clearer. It does not matter that Yul is also a mentally ill abuse victim. It explains his actions, but it doesn’t excuse them. Abuse victims do not owe their abusers anything, even if their abuser has issues, in this case Sian to Yul. The argument it seems like you’re making - that Sian should’ve stuck with Yul, that she just “discarded” him for his issues, ... that is real rhetoric that causes victims to stay with their abusers. If i’m understanding you correctly, you are pushing a legitimately dangerous mentality.

    coffeedrinker August 27, 2020 8:54 pm
    Ok watch it there Mr. Coffeedrinker u said u read the story but i have not seen him abuse, isolated, and abandoned her. She the one who left u got it? It her mother's fault she cut off by everybody got it? The ... jirachiboy

    1. I listed evidence in the story where Yul intentionally manipulated and abused Sian - all of which in two chapters.
    2. She cut him off because he was abusing her.
    3. I never mentioned your grammar? I never even responded to you. I wouldn’t insult someone’s grammar.
    4. I actually reread parts of the story to back
    up my claims - and yup, I fee even stronger in my convictions than before.
    5. I didn’t “insult people and walk off” I made and backed up an argument.
    6. WTF are you even talking about? Like legit I don’t understand what you’re trying to say here’s I’ve regretfully read all of the Harry Potter books, though I don’t see their relevance, but they’re written by a god-awful person so I don’t even like remembering they exist.

    Melo_moew August 28, 2020 12:34 pm
    See the thing is... that’s not what happened at all with Sian? Yul was the first guy she felt comfortable approaching, and she was the only girl that took him seriously, hence how their relationship started. ... coffeedrinker

    How the hell you got that conclusion that I said Sian should stuck with yul blindly?I already mentioned that Sian like yul when she comfortable and need a breather from her abusing mom..her attitude being depended only to yul makes what is yul can't deny that because he don't acted like that before he met her.. he just a repulsive teenager who have issues with his face and his family..what make he obsessed about Sian?it's Sian itself who gives the opportunities..they are both in their world,not needed other people butt in their relationship to the point that yul want to own her..I'm not agreeing to all of yul's action but when she suddenly cut his one and only person who he think understand him without proper explanation,the obsession becomes more severe..she only think her own fear but did she think the reason behind his actions?why yul bother to get injured by sian's mom or provoked her if it not because sian always telling him how abusive her mother is...Sian is the only person he accepted in his life and he schemed it to give trouble to her mom so that she could break free from her..but what Sian do? She just left him because she can't handled him that what a friend doing?she could just be honest about how wrong his actions or scolded him or give a piece of her mind not throwing out of her life for her own good...what Sian experience in the present are the consequences of her past actions...I don't say that she need to accept him but she just need to resolve her past issues with yul first before running to yujin...that's what I mean before,she also at fault so she should take responsibility as well

    coffeedrinker August 28, 2020 6:19 pm
    How the hell you got that conclusion that I said Sian should stuck with yul blindly?I already mentioned that Sian like yul when she comfortable and need a breather from her abusing mom..her attitude being depen... Melo_moew

    I don’t know how many times I have to say this. Sian is an abuse victim. She was emotionally and mentally abused by Yul for the duration of their relationship. Abuse victims do not have any need to explain themselves to their abusers or try to stick with them to help them when they leave. Coldly cutting on the abuser is probably the better thing to do, since it leaves them less opportunities to abuse you/coerce you back into a relationship. Yul being an abuse victim does not negate or excuse that he has abused Sian, and because Sian is a victim of his abuse, she is well within her right to cut him off. End of story. Abuse victims do not have to explain themselves to their abusers. And trying to say that Sian should because he has issues or is also an abuse victim enables abusers and one of the most common ways they force their victims to stay with them.

    jirachiboy August 29, 2020 12:51 am
    I don’t know how many times I have to say this. Sian is an abuse victim. She was emotionally and mentally abused by Yul for the duration of their relationship. Abuse victims do not have any need to explain th... coffeedrinker

    BAHAHHA ok. Wana tell me how he abused her? The only mental abuser is her mother and made her believe he raped her. U cant even tell me how he abused her. But u told me she can cut him off and stuff. Well yea ofc you can i also been abuse by my step mother. For 2 years she punched, hit, and pull my hair. And mentality too but ik for sure he did not abused her mentally or physically. He just tried to get her attention and get her to like him before telling her hes a guy. U have no proof or brains to tell me otherwise. Like just go read other BL if ur just going to hate on characters. You need to stfu because u obviously haven't been abuse or know what is abuse.

    coffeedrinker August 29, 2020 4:33 pm
    BAHAHHA ok. Wana tell me how he abused her? The only mental abuser is her mother and made her believe he raped her. U cant even tell me how he abused her. But u told me she can cut him off and stuff. Well yea o... jirachiboy

    1. Firstly, I am sorry you went through that.
    2. It's incredibly cruel and extremely fucked up that you assume I haven't been through abuse. I'm not sure what possessed you to make such an assumption, but that's a really, really messed up thing to say. I've been in abusive friendships and was groomed by a child predator, both of which I'm still recovering from and they're incredibly difficult for me to even accept.
    3. Can you stop resorting to attacking me/my intelligence? I haven't insulted you once - literally the worst thing I've said is that melo_moew has poor reading comprehension for this story.
    4. For the SECOND TIME, I literally mentioned this is my last reply to you, I already listed and explained several instances in just chapters 34 and 35, not even touching on the other chapters, where Yul emotionally/mentally abused Sian.

    jirachiboy August 29, 2020 10:58 pm
    1. Firstly, I am sorry you went through that. 2. It's incredibly cruel and extremely fucked up that you assume I haven't been through abuse. I'm not sure what possessed you to make such an assumption, but that'... coffeedrinker

    Ok i can do this too.
    1. Ty, and sry u went though that
    2. I did not assume u were not abuse i only said about yout knowledge.
    3.u were bullied and been sexually harassed not abuse
    4. Im still sorry about that but u think im attacking u? U were the one who offended me first.
    5. You said that my intelligence of writing is bad, and reading and yet you still have the audacity to say i attacked you? I can read too i hope you know
    6. You haven't even reply to my qustions i gave you.
    7. I backed up my awnser all your saying is that "oh u hurt my feelings, and you cant read."
    "Im just going to criticize that character and hope nobody calls me out on it"
    8. Ik you might not repsond but i hope u find your mistakes. Were talking about the story not eachother so dont u try to talk about me saying "oh your soo meaan.* you better watch yourself.

    coffeedrinker August 30, 2020 3:48 am
    Ok i can do this too.1. Ty, and sry u went though that 2. I did not assume u were not abuse i only said about yout knowledge.3.u were bullied and been sexually harassed not abuse4. Im still sorry about that but... jirachiboy

    I’m concerned that you think a friend emotionally abusing you is “bullying”. No, it’s entirely different. And sexually harassing a child in an attempt to make them easy to access and manipulate for means of sexual use IS abuse.

    I didn’t say anything about the intelligence of your writing or reading. Ever. Literally where?

    for the THIRD TIME, I listed multiple instances Yul manipulated and abused Sian in JUST chapters 34-35. Are you going to acknowledge those at all? Please scroll up and read them. I can’t argue back with you when you refuse to acknowledge the several points of evidence I have, that I’ve requested you read twice already, and am now requesting you acknowledge for the third time. Like. I already gave my evidence and you keep saying I haven’t answered your argument. I’ve already proven Yul abused Sian, and your argument is that he didn’t. Done. I refuted your point the first time I directly responded to you.

    coffeedrinker August 30, 2020 3:50 am
    I’m concerned that you think a friend emotionally abusing you is “bullying”. No, it’s entirely different. And sexually harassing a child in an attempt to make them easy to access and manipulate for mean... coffeedrinker

    ALSO “ You need to stfu because u obviously haven't been abuse” is me quoting what you said. You did assume I wasn’t abused. Don’t try to lie about that when it’s literally right there. Similarly, I can scroll up and prove I never insulted you, your intelligence, your writing, or your reading.

    coffeedrinker August 30, 2020 3:57 am
    ALSO “ You need to stfu because u obviously haven't been abuse” is me quoting what you said. You did assume I wasn’t abused. Don’t try to lie about that when it’s literally right there. Similarly, I c... coffeedrinker

    Congrats! You’ve insulted my intelligence and reading skills, while lying that I have done the same, you assumed I had never been abused, which I had, and then promptly invalidated my abuse because it doesn’t match what your experiences are and also lied about assuming I hadn’t been abused. And literally all I’ve been asking you to do is acknowledge the fucking evidence I gave that Yul abused Sian. That’s ALL I want and the only reason I’ve continued replying. It’s literally right there and I’ve already asked you to acknowledge it twice. If you refuse to do so, that isn’t my fault.

    jirachiboy August 30, 2020 4:15 am
    1. I listed evidence in the story where Yul intentionally manipulated and abused Sian - all of which in two chapters. 2. She cut him off because he was abusing her.3. I never mentioned your grammar? I never eve... coffeedrinker

    OH greaaat your going to back up your criticism? Look at you. Ahahaha look at you criticizing the author of harry potter too. Just stop im just trying to convince you to stop criticizing the characters. I dont wana say it but your being very rude. Now your going to cuss? Go drink some holy water. I hope that explains what im saying. Wana tell me what your trying to explain? What else is bad about him. Wana tell me whyyyy he did that? If you wana say anything else about me go ahead that all u shown me.

    Ps-oh yea the story isn't over so were not done.

    jirachiboy August 30, 2020 4:18 am
    ALSO “ You need to stfu because u obviously haven't been abuse” is me quoting what you said. You did assume I wasn’t abused. Don’t try to lie about that when it’s literally right there. Similarly, I c... coffeedrinker

    HAHAHA this proves my point. I hope u know were talkin about the story

    coffeedrinker August 30, 2020 4:22 am
    OH greaaat your going to back up your criticism? Look at you. Ahahaha look at you criticizing the author of harry potter too. Just stop im just trying to convince you to stop criticizing the characters. I dont ... jirachiboy

    the author of Harry Potter literally wishes harm to befall lgbt people and for them to get tortured into not being lgbt, I’ll insult her all I want, thanks.
    And I’m being rude lmao. Are you going to acknowledge that Yul abused her? You’ve said multiple times that he did not abuse her. I proved he did. And that’s bad. You’re changing the argument now, it wasn’t about “not insulting the characters” until recently, before it was you claiming Yul did not abuse her. Which he did.

    coffeedrinker August 30, 2020 4:23 am
    HAHAHA this proves my point. I hope u know were talkin about the story jirachiboy

    Proves what point? You, as I quoted, stated that *I* haven’t been abused and *I* don’t know what abuse is. Or are you going to try to gaslight me on that, too?

    jirachiboy August 30, 2020 4:35 am
    I’m concerned that you think a friend emotionally abusing you is “bullying”. No, it’s entirely different. And sexually harassing a child in an attempt to make them easy to access and manipulate for mean... coffeedrinker

    OMFG, im very mad rn because i just reread 34-35 and clearly see he trying his best not to scare her. On chapter 38 THE BLONDE MANIPULATED HER TO LOVE HIM AND NOW SHE LOVES HIM. You see the power of beauty? Are u happy? To see them together just because he handsome? Just 1 week knowing him and now they love eachother? NO NO NO NO NO! WHAT IF U WORKED REALLY HARD FOR YOUR TRUE LOVE AND IT TAKEN BY HEATHER. I would die or cry. Your probably happy rn huh? Im done with you.

    coffeedrinker August 30, 2020 4:41 am
    OMFG, im very mad rn because i just reread 34-35 and clearly see he trying his best not to scare her. On chapter 38 THE BLONDE MANIPULATED HER TO LOVE HIM AND NOW SHE LOVES HIM. You see the power of beauty? Are... jirachiboy

    lmao ok you’re just an incel huh. emotionally abusing someone isn’t cute, it isn’t showing your love for the person, and it’s wrong and disgusting.
    manipulated her to love him lmao no? he treated her like a human being.
    trying his best not to scare her? you mean like how he scared her into not talking to other girls at school, coerced a man to sexually assault her and intimidate her to make her even more afraid of men, scared her into changing her profile pic bcus he likes having that power over her?

    fuck off.

Melo_moew August 22, 2020 2:29 pm

Anyone who want read this,it's a good read until the death of her sister..the chapters beyond that was utterly garbage and it should have ended already..I don't know why author dragging this story in such a nonsense plot..I give my piece of mind, anyone who still read till the end,you guys are pure masochist (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Melo_moew July 18, 2020 1:35 am

I didn't expect this would be a great story when I first read glad I took a step to read it all... thumbs up author */*

Melo_moew May 16, 2020 2:25 pm

i know one thing for the fact,she is a toxic...let go of her nate,you deserves someone better than her

Melo_moew April 13, 2020 1:37 pm

that gaeun girl should be detained and responsible for her action...thats an attempted murder..its not something that can be resolved by a few drops of crocodile's tears..this story is so depressing and its stupid already when the mc say sorry eventhough she is the victim...her friends too...they ignored her crimes just because she got her own issues to injured someone like that???WTF!!!

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