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have they…. always been uncensored? AND WHY IS IT SO GIRTHY they’re both so fine it’s insane

not a fujoshi created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

after seeing the spoilers on tiktok, this chapter is tearing me in two

not a fujoshi created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

idk but adults that take advantage of children especially the ones that go to them for comfort knowing they don’t have anyone make me sick. like i could literally throw up and cry rn for what happened to cirrus and any other child. it’s too relatable and triggering. i hope the teacher’s new necklace is a noose

not a fujoshi created a topic of Jinx

that was so satisfying. slap him again :D and make sure you get him good for me!!!!

not a fujoshi created a topic of Solo For Two

he’s so deep into his obsession that he forgot he can simply investigate if he wanted to. karel keeps thinking sasya is lying and sasya isn’t. sasya doesn’t even know he has a “wife and kid” at home

not a fujoshi created a topic of Gig of the Day

i don’t think the top is bad but not telling someone that you only want to have sex IS leading them

not a fujoshi created a topic of Jinx

there’s absolutely no character development and it’s the same thing each and every time. im just waiting to see how the author is gonna change this around because jaekyung literally hates dan. it gets worse each chapter

not a fujoshi created a topic of Solo For Two

i’m a tiny bit lost. so is he trying to get revenge on sasya? it’s not like sasya didn’t love him at all but his mental health was FUCKED. but i also do understand karel holding some kind of grudge so im not mad. i just hate the miscommunication trope. it’s lasting so long but im a masochist and just love the angst

not a fujoshi created a topic of Slammer Dogs
not a fujoshi created a topic of Jinx

*everyone coming for doc dan*
potato: BUT WE CHECKED, i thought to myself as we walked away

not a fujoshi created a topic of Jinx

*everyone coming for doc dan

not a fujoshi created a topic of Solo For Two

honestly? that’s nothing new. whether it’s as karel or lord skar, he’s always been obsessed with sasya and he still is. it’s just the darker version of him showing it this time.

not a fujoshi created a topic of Dear, Teddy Bear

thought this was gonna be cute. this dude is psychotic. but i’m intrigued

not a fujoshi created a topic of Into the Rose Garden

this uploads too slow for someone with anxiety! this has me on the edge of my seat.

not a fujoshi created a topic of Waterside Night

i used to hate taeju but you have been promoted. you are now one of my elite employees!!!!

not a fujoshi created a topic of Codename Anastasia

this is SUPER popular on tiktok and i’ve been debating reading it but they said zhenya is worse than ceaser… like the graping part?

i too would like to deal with a muscular alpha during his rut ): I WANT TO FEEL EVERY VEIN OF A BIG COCK TOO (it’s been a while)

not a fujoshi created a topic of Jinx

so almost 50 chapters later and this shitty guy finally has some lore? also it seems like dan can never catch a break. it’s time it just keeps getting worse for him and im so tired bro.