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Azazeltoja created a topic of Meteor Orbit

Omg I love it, I need more (⌒▽⌒)

Azazeltoja created a topic of Jinx
Azazeltoja created a topic of Monday'saviour
Azazeltoja created a topic of End it

Can't wait for more even tho it's typical story

Azazeltoja created a topic of Love Me Divinely
Azazeltoja created a topic of Pear Blosom Love
Azazeltoja created a topic of Cry Me a River
Azazeltoja created a topic of Nerd Project
Azazeltoja created a topic of Bittersweet Howling

I need more, so interesting (=・ω・=)

Azazeltoja created a topic of Nerd Project

Please please update!!

I read that in chapter 18 the kiss, so it's still ongoing

Azazeltoja created a topic of Prejudice

I like it so much! Please update

Azazeltoja created a topic of Jujutsu Kaisen

If Gojo is the strongest and the author killed him, how it is going to end?......Someone magically will have such a power to kill Sukuna or what, bad ending, Sukuna wins?

Azazeltoja created a topic of Jujutsu Kaisen

No. Just no. I can't take it.....

I don't want them to be Together....seme doesn't deserve the uke..

Azazeltoja created a topic of Vanilla Taste

Sodam should move on and find someone better

Azazeltoja created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

I love this, so funny and cute