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Girlllll thats because Adel dont feel threatened by you!!!!!

Oodori created a topic of An Unexpected Engagement

I will watch for now. Seems interesting enough.

Uhhhhhhh thats suspish af???? Ari really be losing her braincells over a guy AGAIN. Kinda pissed that the plot is going this way tbh. I still wanna read but I'm hating the way the plot develops with her :((( Qween ur supposed to be smart and shit

Oodori created a topic of The Tragedy of a Villainess

WHAT IS HAPPENING HAHAHAHAHA what is this immaculate conception shit lmao

Oodori created a topic of Smyrna & Capri


I kinda dont like Jina tbh. "I know you dont wanna do this cuz u know her a long time" yeah then shut yer trap!

Oodori created a topic of Shadowless Night

At least he apologized? I just wished he had meddled out of goodwill instead of because he's in love with Paresa

So in the end Maxwell is just some max level incel.... I should've known from the setting of this world haha


Time to sack Riena!!!!!! And once she's gone Cardinal Valery will be next.

I feel like its so rushed to make him the ML?? Reihas and Kyle had like their arcs and Cass just kinda swoops in now?? Kinda eh tbh


Oodori created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

Oh shit look at him blushing and crap Heli is already into Hestia so bad.

I knew it. "I'm doing this for u. Dw they wont do anything" Why are THEY the one deciding what is BEST?! why wont they listen to the Empress?!?!? The nobles arent doing anything sure, what about the Empress being ignored in HER OWN GODDAMN HOUSE?!?!? And it's not like she didnt try to say it either. They neglected her, pure and simple, in order to "keep the peace". I dont like it.

I'm staying for Paresa and the Empress' friendship. But i've had it up to HERE with the Emperor and CP.

Why is the crown prince lowkey funny tho. He was so annoying when they met, but I love the buddy cop duo trope they have going on lol. I just wish he wont stop adoring the saintess just because of Renée.

Ok now I reaaaaaally dislike the prince. There better be a good fucking reason for him to just stand there and let the Empress pass out the moment she saw his aunt. And now he's looking into PARESA???? Instead of WHY the empress collapsed? Is it gonna be another "oh I thought you're just skittish and nervous in front of my aunt" BOY GET OUT

Oodori created a topic of Daraku Kazoku-ron

Uuuuhhhh my guy he definitely moved on because he heard u talking shit behind his back lol

Nah no thanks. The fact that she still likes Bright after just sending her to her death for the sister like that. I get it if you dont know that girl likes you but to condemn one for the other nuh-uh son.

Also the son immediately attacking Elain just says a lot. Also isnt she a guardian??? Dont they know what a guardian means?? If she's not there then the miasma will leak.

Too many plotholes and dumb people to enjoy the romance. No thank you