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QTMaggot3.14 March 29, 2024 4:35 pm

Yo people here really lacking basic empathy for my man Geon. But I get you, Geon, you're relatable af. "JUst gEt ovER hIm" easier said than done, you can't help who you fall in love with and how long it takes to move on.

    karma March 30, 2024 12:22 am

    Thats the crazy part for me like I do feel for him honestly but the more background I'm getting on thus crush the less pit I feel like he was already engages so obvi he was gonna get married not only that he already knew he was straight for the past ten years but then reacts like that when he does something straight it's just insane almost like I some point you have to either let it go or hide your emotions and he can't do either

QTMaggot3.14 March 11, 2024 5:59 pm

I think it makes perfect sense why some Subs and Doms are so obsessed and possessive over Hwayoung, if he's considered the idol in that scene.

Really reminds me of East Asian idol scene and their parasocial relationships with celebrities. Look how terrifyingly toxic fans can get if their favourite idol gets too chummy with someone of the opposite sex or, lordy help thy soul, dares to start dating them.

Hwayoung also seems to have honed a certain image over the years of someone unobtainable and inpersonal, just to shatter it by going exclusive, which triggered some real dum dum destructive reactions from his "fans".

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