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wolfy_ November 18, 2017 7:33 am

This guy claims he can't fall in love with the hero girl, and yet he goes out of his way to make everything about her, making her fall in love with him in the process. All the while feigning ignorance when it comes to her feelings.

Honestly this type of main character that is either to dumb to realize how someone feels, or feigns ignorance to not deal with it are the kind I hate the most.

So can anyone enlighten me if things are going to change?

    Angel January 21, 2018 2:16 am

    Well he did say he consider her more like his precious little sister... that's why he'll do anything to protect her...
    but I do get what you mean --"
    I hope they are going to change too... but more the part where hero girl is just a damsel in distress...

wolfy_ November 17, 2017 7:28 pm

I don't mind the shallow planning, and even all the comedy gags until them.

But after chapter 27, everything is treated and presented as a joke.

Be it the assassins or the doctor himself, it makes no sense that they would buy what the main character was saying.

Hell, there wasn't even an explanation why would a country accept the enemy doctor to treat their king.

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