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poppp created a topic of Wolf In The House

sundayjorge/Jiyeon has this really tender/soft style of story telling that's really *chief kiss* and it has been an ongoing theme in all of her work. Even in Momentum where there was tragedy and angst, she still managed to incorporate her own tenderness through and through. I hope she continues to do so with this, and so far she does not disappoint!

also idk if Jiyeon was behind the romanization for the characters' names but 백산 (Baek San - literally "white mountain") being romanized as Bexan and 아인 (Ah-In) as Ein was quite brilliant. also Leto's former name Diesel could be a nod to Jiyeon's love for motorsports. Momentum had an arc about racing/racers and Jiyeon herself is a fan of Jules Bianchi (google him and read that arc in Momentum and you'd have an "oh!" moment)