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poppp created a topic of Momentum

huh is the motorsport in Lily/Oscar's arc supposed to be F1? back when i first read this I feel like it was F1, but now that I'm actually watching F1 I feel like it isn't haha... maybe it's something inspired by or a mixture of F1 + the 24h of Le Mans? some elements of the story are really out of touch with the reality but the author's crazy good art makes up for them I suppose (also author seems to be a fan of Jules Bianchi... iykyk)

I also love how none of the main characters are toxic (same with the MCs from her other stories). I'm just kinda over with authors writing crazy possessive full of toxic traits male characters and then go uwu my babies over them haha....

poppp created a topic of Shutline

chap 77 aka the last chap of ss2 is on n3wt0ki y'all... ofc it had to end with kinda a cliffhanger lol. last time it took the author 7 months to start a new season so i guess we'll get our ss3 next summer haha

poppp created a topic of The Eve Festival

This and A Declaration of Revenge. The author never misses! Both their art and storytelling skills are top notch, and you can see that they don't fall into the traps of silly plot line or unnecessary fanservice moment. I like that their stories aren't an easy read by any means, but they aren't too dark and the end still gives us hope. They have a few other works already published but none of them in English :< Hopefully this story or A Declaration of Revenge will get an official English liscense soon so I can purchase them. or else i'll try to find a paper copy when i visit Korea next year!

poppp add manga to list personal favorites


  • Author: Pharmacy
  • Genres: Webtoons / Drama / Yaoi / Comedy
poppp created a topic of Reunion

can someone who has read the novel gave me some spoiler for what's gonna happen next (and the ending too if ya dont mind)... i'm curious as hell

poppp created a topic of Off the Plate
poppp created a topic of Old-fashioned Cupcake

there is a 3rd volume "Old fashion cupcake in My Picnic", hopefully it'll be on here soon. i love love love this series so much, it's just so soft and sweet just like its name :((

poppp add manga to list personal favorites

[Fuhoe Scans & Mamuh] Sakutaro's former colleague and No. 1 sales rival, Shizuka Kuji, save...

  • Author: Hamada kamome
  • Genres: Yaoi / Adult / Smut / Romance
poppp created a topic of Fate Makes No Mistakes

it's so tragically beautiful that both Yoonhwi and San refused to be reincarnated as a new person, i think it's probably because deep inside they still subconsciously want to see their lovers again even tho such memories were taken away by Hwan. like what 704 said in chap 110, it's like San has already made up his mind before losing his memory. "The only reason he'd do something like that is because of you". same thing can be said for Yoonhwi too, even if the reason he chose to be a reaper had to do with his brother, I'm sure Geumsun was a part of it. i love how in the past and the present, the lives of the 4 main characters are so interwoven with one another. it's... fate.

i'm curious to see how the author will solve all of this in ss4. i hope we'll get to go out with a banger.

poppp created a topic of Fate Makes No Mistakes

ugh chap 110 has already been out and IT'S GREAT. tied up everything so well and logically. i hope the author keep up the good work, i have very high hope for the 4th and last season of this masterpiece!

poppp created a topic of Domestic Beast

i have chinese raw if anyone is interested... dang it i wish it were longer

poppp created a topic of Domestic Beast

ANW DOES ANYBODY HAVE CHINESE RAW FOR THIS. I KNOW IT'S SOMEWHERE OUT THERE. i search its chinese name "家養野獸" and found some weibo link but because i don't have an account i can't go further. if anyone can please help a poor soul out i reallllllly like this manga T--T

poppp created a topic of Fate Makes No Mistakes

Chap 110 ties up pretty nicely the connection that bounds our 4 main characters (yes the author said this story has 4 main characters!) together, with a hint to the next and final season of this masterpiece. Honestly this is one of the best BL manhwa out there, the author manages to keep the plot pretty intact and doesn't fall too deep into the fanservice trap.