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Khamûl January 22, 2024 10:53 pm

Hopefully no romance will happen.

In novels or manga like this, they tend to add in romance when in all honesty this type of genre doesn't need romance! All it does is turn a perfectly fun action story into another trashy romance story and I got plenty of those! I don't need more of them!!

    karossi January 23, 2024 11:09 pm

    From what I know there isn't any romance. I think cause he's lived too many lives and has certain goals he rejects everyone lol

    romance in these types of stories is always minimal anyway so I wouldn't let a small blush scene affect the 99.8% action going on.

Khamûl January 1, 2024 10:54 am

Honestly I feel like people just wanna be pissed off for no reason. First of all the MC knowing the language wasn't out of the blue, he studied little by little and since it wasn't like he couldn't speak the language to begin with, he learnt it quickly.

Second of all, he didn't level up. That was the demon chick near him that got to level 31-35.

Third of all, to those that did not understand the translation of the manga; I have no idea what to tell you other than it's hopeless for you. It was very easy to understand and I literally didn't have to try hard. Maybe it's because I am used to mlt but seriously you all should be grateful cause this is better than what you possibly could have gotten or believe you got.

Fourth of all, this is a type of manga/novel that doesn't take the route of the rest isekai type of books and yes the author seemed to be leaning towards the usual in the latter parts of the story but again it's not the same.

And lastly, the ending was definitely slightly rushed but I think it was mostly because the author couldn't continue on and since it was about to get axed, they thought it would be better to give the audience some sort of closure even if it wasn't the best type of closure.

Now that you read this far you might as well be happy with what you got and move on to the next manga instead of leaving hate or whatever you want to call your comments as.

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