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An Old Bottom wants to be loved -Obsessive sex with a younger doggy

Ongoing | Hosita | 2022 released
2024-02-25 20:31 marked

The Villainess Who Steals the Heroine's Heart

Complete | Fujii Kasai | 2022 released
2023-07-01 00:57 marked

Ou-sama to Puppy Love

Complete | noichi mikuro | 2000 released
2022-09-13 15:39 marked

Under Grand Hotel

Complete | sadahiro mika | 2003 released
2022-09-01 19:47 marked

This amazing Manga is not for the faint of heart, please bare in mind the Tags but if you decide to read be prepared for a journey of emotions, this is one of my favourite manga, the love that builds between these two men is .. real and the emotions this manga bring out is a journey from start to finish

Mahou Shoujo Of The End

Complete | sato kentaro | 2012 released
2022-05-23 16:51 marked

Messed up but I enjoyed it

Ookami-sama no Koiwazurai

Complete | Tobi washio | 2019 released
2022-02-25 03:23 marked
Tags: adorable

Sannin Gurashi

Complete | hirakita yuya | 2000 released
2022-02-21 08:34 marked

Honjitsu wa Ohigara mo Yoku

Complete | Fukushima Yucca | 2017 released
2021-09-09 09:37 marked

Jackass! - Sawatte Ii tte Dare ga Itta yo?

Complete | Scarlet Beriko | 2015 released
2021-08-06 16:12 marked
Tags: Romance

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