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illveeyours's feed

illveeyours created a topic of Kill Me If You Can

Lmao on people here complaining about the "rape" being glossed over. I mean they are DEMONS right? They created dopplegangers to K*LL/MURD*R the original human. They teach and train the dopplegangers to kill the human so you think they would care about rape?

I always see this trend in the comments section, complaining about SA/R*ape/non con/dub con then the character is a non human/animal-like/supernatural/demon/yakuza/jerk/asshole/playboy/criminal etc. Like jeez what do you expect?

And don’t get started with that BL authors always do these and should stop. I mean it’s their story to tell and they obviously have written this for a specific audience and if you’re uncomfortable maybe that isn’t you. There are thousands of stories out there that don’t have it. No one’s forcing you to read.