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illveeyours's feed

illveeyours created a topic of Waterside Night

It's obvious that Taeju wants Kim Sahyeok SOLELY accountable with his debt that's why it isn't written off. He probably wants to remove Euihyun as the cosigner so that he will be the only ones who's LEGALLY liable (As he said he would stop being a thug for Euihyun). Wonyoung is just being an ass coz he doesn't want Taeju to settle down coz all eyes will be on him and she wants to live freely as a thug

The one that kidnapped Euihyun is for sure the rival construction company (Eunhwa). That bish Kim Sahyeok sold his son as an information that he could be a leverage bec of Taeju. I hope what will happen is Taeju will come alone then his birth dad and papa will know, then it will be an entire rescue mission Tae family gangster style!

If I'm being real here Taeju is just a thug doing thug things, raised as a thug and has a thug mentality. Hence his misdoings. But this bish Kim Sahyeok? He is the root of all Euihyun's sufferings and still doing it. He sold off his son not once but TWICE to think he knows he's taking care of his other son.

Despite all that happened, I still feel Euihyun's lucky to have ended into Taeju's arms. I know all that SA, blackmail and stuff, at least he can throw fists at him (we never saw Taeju hit him back). Do you seriously think Euihyun would survive even a day if he got sold to a different person with that kind of temper? Do you think someone will allow him to take care of Euiyoung? That kid might be sold off somewhere too.