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Mehatori created a topic of Reunion

Lol he gave him blue balls then tempered his possessive soul lol
Anyway I hope this doesn't take a toxic turn pls work things up yeah( ̄∇ ̄")

Mehatori created a topic of MADK

How did ya'll finish ch1 I'm about to throw up fr. I don't get how this is someone's yum argh (⊙…⊙ )

Mehatori created a topic of Fancy Mate

I mean u don't fuck in the living room knowing that someone is staying at the same place. They reminded me of my roommate

Mehatori created a topic of Half of Me

Heechan is basically yoohan's smile. He gets his old fresh happy self back yayyy

Mehatori created a topic of Perfect Buddy

Apart from being kidnapped by a freaker hee seo is lucky having two big guys protecting him ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

Mehatori created a topic of Salty Lust

This reminds me of an animation I don't rly remember the context but the guy in it got pregnant just cuz he kissed the alien character their 7th kiss.
It's just the same lol.

Mehatori created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

Everyone wants a piece of my theo and I totally understand it but mf he now is a mommy for a baby and expecting another okay (︶︿︶)=凸

Mehatori created a topic of Define The Relationship

When meeeee ╥﹏╥ it's so cold and lonely and single in here

I bet it's going to be the stupid guy who has a crush on seo an or either his brother but if so then he is insane. Bro just got married and the second day he asks for his brother bf to bother him lol

You know what now that I look at it he totally looks like a writer. That expressionless face of his and dead soul is surely a writer's lol.

Mehatori created a topic of Salty Lust

Whenever I read this the only lyrics that repeats inside my brain are "so sure of urself baby don't get greedy..this shit won't end well..end well" and I just wanna say
Dear nux..rn it was 1 that was allowed to enter they're two..tomorrow they might be 3....this is going into a real dark turn alright so....
I mean it's useless running away from them so it's better for u to start saying no u stupid peace of trash (/TДT)/

Mehatori created a topic of Reunion

The art style does smh to me fr. The author is so clever she/he got us totally wrapped. I bet with even with a bad story line I would still read her work.

Mehatori created a topic of Our Sunny Days

That's quite..cute and sexy (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

I don't think he means he would let him go. I guess Richar saw how does eittine suffocate in this royal life shitty thing so he trying to tell him that it's ok for him to let everything and go uk

Insecurity is what ruins everything but I believe it wouldn't be a problem if u trust ur partner if he trusted seo an enough he would have told him everything on his mind without doubting if he would be disappointed or anything. I guess woo won insecurity grew all cuz of his father his old trauma that's why the author brought the father up right at the time. I wish he would grow some confidence in himself and seo ahn too.

Mehatori created a topic of Written in the stars

Stfu what the actual fuck is wrong with him at this point bro he just made up with the mc..I would honestly like to believe this guy is just an old trauma ex bf or smh, also apart from the whole family thing if the mc doesn't take initiative at this point I would start getting pissed cuz honestly ml is having a lot to handle only talking his problems out I believe is not enough. I see that it's better for mc to collect himself cuz uk he having a competitor rn.

Ya'll won't get it being all innocent Asian for ur whole life then suddenly u get that dopamine shot so easily without trying so hard like studying is fking breath taking and brain washing.
Some ppl would act like ok this a thing but for others it would be literally just like drugs u have to take ur daily shot. For him to do it at school is the stupidest thing but again u need ur easy dopamine rn.

I don't know if u have ever heard about it but it's not that rare u hear about someone's mastrubating in public specially for beginners who have been locked from relieving their sexual desires I am not saying that's right at all but it's literally out there everywhere uk

Mehatori created a topic of Our Sunny Days

Sorry but I laughed so so hard on the kissing scene, the place of the girls head is just loooool