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Read(49) 2018-08-17 0

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Benoizu February 25, 2018 8:13 am

Have you ever done any project related to yaoi or something like this? Bc i did, and it was so fucking funny seeing my friends looking at me like " wtf have u done " ; i made 12 illustrations of my 2 fav character of a game beeing cute together, i just cant believe that i did this

    Marico El Que Lo Lea February 25, 2018 8:42 am

    OMGGG once in English class we had to pick a Disney movie and write it again but different. So it was in groups and I was with my fujoshi friend and we were high on Sharpie markers idk and wrote a gay version of the beauty and the beast. Just for the record, in that time i was in a really religious school and we could have gotten spelled from that shot for doing that

    Marico El Que Lo Lea February 25, 2018 8:43 am
    OMGGG once in English class we had to pick a Disney movie and write it again but different. So it was in groups and I was with my fujoshi friend and we were high on Sharpie markers idk and wrote a gay version ... Marico El Que Lo Lea


    Doldrums February 25, 2018 11:15 am

    Yea. For English my friend and I had a very open-ended final, so she straight up wrote a bl fanfiction on Hamlet. That was years ago, and I’m still proud of her. She got 100% btw.

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