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WTF!!! what did I read? I am like thinking what the original text was thinking and like who in the world came up with this? what is with the mashup of contents?! I would definitely laugh but as you can see not the place. anyway - MRBeast is that you?! - what is with that curse circle? the whole time reading this - is he a bottom? and then thinking what is going to happen when he becomes a macho man? ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

What hell happened my baby!!!!! - and he was growing so well

chapter 17 is from a whole different genius entertainment industry story - For The Musical Genius

SweeTartFire created a topic of Debut or Die

that smile - that's gonna go wild

cool name and all but what about the story? - did it get dropped as soon as it was released? - if not here, where is the original - with no translation?

It says "author: 2019 release" but the "ch.0" is "released in 2022" that's 3 years apart. I have had this in my "want to read" for about year, almost - I saw this last February 22, 2023 and now February 9, 2024

I do really want to read this story so i do hope it can come out(?) ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~not Chinese but Happy Chinese New Year! - year of the dragon(wooden)

i am definitely looking forward to it!