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Hmm harry potter I watch all of the movies I also wanted to read the book but can't afford and I'm to scared to ask my parents to buy the book
My summer is long and I was complaining of how boring is it and now school is Abt to start now I'm complaining that summer was short
Ilovecatsomuchhhh<3333 answered question about question
Well can I just choose both
Ilovecatsomuchhhh<3333 answered question about question
I would tell myself to get ur ass up cause it's time to go beastmode.
Ilovecatsomuchhhh<3333 answered question about question
does family count if not I haven't had my first kiss ye

Eunhyuk all the way finally minwoo get his karma
Yoo raym gonna be next

Ilovecatsomuchhhh<3333 answered question about question
When you said cupcake I imagine this cupcakke
Ilovecatsomuchhhh<3333 answered question about worst sin
My most embarrassing was I shit in my panties when I was in grade 1 and it was in the classroom everybody knows i shitted it was wet poop shit my teacher knows she helped me get to comfort room she washed me and and I cried it was embarrassing they gonna remember me as kid who shiited in the classroom
Ilovecatsomuchhhh<3333 answered question about question
No cause I'm aromantic person I used to have crushes when I was kid but as I grew older it was gone even my friends have a love life and I don't cause I'm not interested Abt things like that
Ilovecatsomuchhhh<3333 answered question about learn a new skill
If I'm binging a story it's 5 hours or depends but if it's a normal day 1 hour to 3 hours
I hate it my period has started my lower back hurts and my stomach feels like I'm gonna shit but im not I feel dizzy and nauseous fuck this period and I still got cleaning to do shit
I let him do anything to me fuck me torture me kiss me marry me and many more.
I'm crazy for him and my cat is cute
Ilovecatsomuchhhh<3333 answered question about talk to yourself
My parents caught me reading smut omg I even said it was virus and they didn't believe I and the phone I was using was ma dad's phone shittt he saw it and then he secretly told to mama and fuckkk it was the end for me I got scolded and I was crying in embarrassment and I didn't read for day but after that I just read again cause the guiltiness wa......
Ilovecatsomuchhhh<3333 answered question about talk to yourself
All of them and me
I don't have an experience but thats not normal when he choked you That's already a major big red flag and physical abuse is not okay and I hope you're doing fine
I used to be obsessed with kpop in 2018 but I just stop watching them I got back recently because of new Jeans ive and lesserafim but my favorites was also twice itzy red velvet many more I also Stan boy groups but I'm more of a fan of girlgroups.
When I wash the dishes and I pick up a knife I'm thinking of killing somebody and I be thinking of ways to torture them but I don't want to kill though just imagining and I would be fuckin scared of what I was imagining