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Haven's lotus asked a question

As the title says a threesome bl.twins are ok too:D . and also the MC's lover's are kainda intimate with each other (???) I mean not that they literally have to fuck(:) not thet I mained )
But I want them to at least have some affection towards each other (???) I have read some manwha's like that but the one I've been searching for I couldn't find it but anyway if you have some please recommend and help me out ( ̄∇ ̄")

Ps: I was kind of tired while writing this so sorry if there are any spelling mistakesΣ(  ̄□ ̄||)

Haven's lotus asked a question

I've been looking for this one manga where a older seme(a professor), also an uke? and a verse( teacher) and a student( uke). there's a scene where they did it in their school's garden where one of the mc taking care of... can someone pls help me find??? also can someone recommend me similar stories like this?? hehe
I read this a while ago and now I am in the mood to read it again but I can't find it TvT
Please help

Haven's lotus followed a goer
17 12,2023
Haven's lotus like question

I've been looking for this one manga where a older seme(a professor), also an uke? and a verse( teacher) and a student( uke). there's a scene where they did it in their school's garden where one of the mc taking care of... can someone pls help me find??? also can someone recommend me similar stories like this?? hehe

Haven's lotus followed a goer
13 12,2023
Haven's lotus followed a goer

13 12,2023
Haven's lotus followed a goer