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FoxKat answered question about fetishes and kinks
Don't ask, he's attractive so I had to
FoxKat answered question about question
This one got discontinued and I'm so sad about it! The manga had a lot of potential.. There's apparently a novel though, so I'm gonna try to find that :)
FoxKat like the answer
act age. forever i am devastated that we won't have more
FoxKat like the answer
bro jus shut the fuck up rape or sa should never be used for a characters growth and any author who thinks like that should stop writing or existing omg man I'm taking a break from all of this...
FoxKat followed a list

yeah this is not really a list of isekais its just a list of strong female characters in medieval european-like settings fighting against one-dimensional female role archetypes. 

they're kinda ranked but like not really don't trust me im disorganized in this list and in life help

part 2!

18 02,2024
FoxKat like the answer
Horse face is a peice of shit wbk
FoxKat followed question about go mad or crazy

AS OF JANUARY 25TH evidence: look at their bio + + + + eviden......

26 01,2024