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melo created a topic of ARTS MANZ

mc sucks i think mullet guy and angry bird should get together

melo created a topic of Jinx

as much as we are rooting for jaekyungs fall, it would make me angry if he lost rn because the other team is playing dirty and foul... T_T

melo created a topic of Codename Anastasia

theres only so much het sex i can just pretend i didnt see but 5 chapters is definetly way past that limit

melo created a topic of The Path Of Star

mixed signals ヽ(`Д´)ノ

melo created a topic of ARTS MANZ

mc is a homophobe... オワタ

melo created a topic of 1 to 10
melo created a topic of Secretary to Stage

this was the silliest porn ive read in a while lmfao so cringe

melo created a topic of Nerd Project

quick does any girl here wanna practice with me?

melo created a topic of Jinx
melo created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

i forgot what cirrus beef with the ginger guy was

melo created a topic of Beyond Memories

ido freaks me out why tf is he reading mc's mind all the time???? im Scared

melo like topic of Jinx

im just hate reading at this point. maybe its like.. freestyle self harm

melo created a topic of Jinx

im just hate reading at this point. maybe its like.. freestyle self harm

melo created a topic of The Path Of Star


melo created a topic of The Path Of Star

i dont really get it nothing he said even hinted at him knowing abt the kidnapping (even if he does know)

melo created a topic of Jungwon's Flowers

im sorry but this manga is a bit ridiculous i cant lmfao i couldnt do more than 10 chapters

melo followed a list

I can read these mangas many times! I rate them >9.5/10 based on my own preferences, so there will be lots of non-mainstream BL
Genres: NO PWP, no doujinshi
Length: <100 chapters or 3 vols
Search by tags:
If you like this list, please click "RECOMMEND". Thank you XD
2nd list:
(If 1st list is full, i'll move older ones to my 2nd list)
Long series:

08 02,2024
melo created a topic of The Servant / Employer

yeonho is so annoying and this is all so cliché (in a bad way) that everyday i regret not dropping this telenovela ass comic

melo created a topic of Jinx

tbh kim dan had it coming. he knew jaekyung doesnt like birthday gifts and wouldn't like him doing other jobs. (that doesnt make jaekyung any less of a scrote, nothing justifies his violence. i'm just saying dan is dumb as fuck)