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Beaniebby's feed

Beaniebby created a topic of Wish You All the Best

Their relationship dynamic is interesting. I lowkey want them together I feel like they could balance each other out. The prosecutor could teach Saein how to be more confident and help him find his voice. Teach him how to be a little more demanding and other areas as well. While Saein can teach him how to be softer more emotional and
open and also other areas. If they communicate more they could really be a good couple. I know alot of y'all want Saein to run away which I'm sure he will I'm not opposing it I'm sure we will get a chasing arc. However, While I might not approve of the prosecutor actions I do understand them. So in conclusion my romantic side do want them together. I want it to work out and they have a good ending. Cause I do enjoy a good enemies to lovers.