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Beaniebby created a topic of Wish You All the Best

So from what I gathered from this chapter is.

-Saein planned was to seduce the prosecutor and play nice for 3 months to give him the chance to build up his strength and run away. The seduction was working cause the prosecutor was turned on.
Saein came in while the prosecutor was investigating him and everything that happened.( I could be wrong on this part but it seems like Saein mom use to be sold around to the Vips like prostitution. Since she was the face of the company maybe she was popular with the Vips. Idk didn't quite understand it fully).

-Saein seen pictures of his mom and got upset. He got upset because he believes his mom is dead( is she we aren't 100% certain yet).

-The prosecutor realizes that Saein actually told the truth about his mom since everything else was a lie. && Being the petty individual the prosecutor is he tells Saein (paraphrasing) "Oh so I guess this really is your mom I guess you were truthful about this since you're a liar but how about this I'll give you her pictures if you tell me what exactly did you tell the director? What information did you give? What was your purpose for doing this). He asks cause he is still lowkey mad and because he wants to know if Saein will choose to finally be honest like a test even though he knows everything he been did an investigation and read
everything that was on the phone,check accounts, etc .

-This pisses Saein off and he basically tells him (paraphrasing) " Why tf would I do that. You already know what was said you seen the texts. You already did an investigation quit playing dumb. Stop trying to test me. I don't give a shit about these pictures cause when I beg you to let me go see her just to make sure she was ok you wouldn't let me. I cried and pleaded you knew she was my mom and yet you still refuse. && Now your trying to bargain with me through pictures and manipulate me about information just like the director who is evil trash that means you are just like him sir fuck you"

-Seeing those pictures of his mom made Saein came to terms about his mom possibly being dead. Which makes him not care anymore. His resolve of escaping his diminished he doesn't care about what happens to him anymore.

-This Pisses the Prosecutor off cause at first he was letting Saein lash out because he felt some guilt. But then Saein basically telling him fuck him and so many words trigger him.

-The prosecutor then go on this whole spill about how if Saein wasn't faking the wishes and actually were putting his all into the wishes it would've tied him to Saein in the worst way. Apparently the more emotion and feeling that is push into a wish bind the Omega & Alpha together stronger. So the more feelings the omega has for the alpha it starts making it like a chain connecting them together creating a bond( something like how the other omegaverse has them to bite each other for a bond. I believe this is created through wishes) . And if and Omega decides he wanted to leave it could be bad for the alpha & vice verse He stated Saein must've somehow knew that so he fake his wishes or didn't put much energy into them ( I dont think Saein knew that he just honestly didn't think his wishes could work since he was orderless). So if the bond was to get broken as of now not much damaged will be done to them. They might get sick and struggle to bond with someone but they wouldn't die like most bondmates who loses their bond.

-Also the prosecutor is very offended by Saein calling him a monster like the director. This actually hurts his feelings because even tho he doesn't want to admit it he has developed feelings for Saein. So for example think of it like your arguing with your partner and your partner says Idk why I'm with you your just like my ex. Now this ex that is mentioned has done your partner dirty lied, cheated, abuse just did horrible things. Granted you haven't been the best partner but you weren't the worse. So you would be offended like what the fuck.

- Then he also talks about how maybe Saein lied about loving him which also kinda stings cause if we gathered information from what we know. The prosecutor isn't the best like guy folks always wanna bring him down or kill him. So even if he doesn't love Saein right now hearing him say he love him made him kinda feel good on inside. But he pretty much is like mindfucking himself and confusing himself. Cause he is now getting angry again about Saein being a so called liar so now he is like your mouth might lie but your body doesn't.

-Lastly it seems like the prosecutor is going to find out what has exactly happened to his mom and what is exactly going on with everything else.

Sidenote- Idk if he knows about the pregnancy yet. I'm not sure but he probably does but is waiting on Saein to say something. Because he felt extremely disrespected but Saein punishment wasn't really bad and the position he had him in like he was mindful of not pushing his stomach. I could be wrong and just reading to much into it.

*Thats what I got from this chapter it could be wrong so don't hold me to it this was just my interpretation