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Vick's feed

Vick created a topic of Instant Family

I had a misunderstanding with my eldest sister whom I stay with
She works I work too, she complains I don't do chores at home. Meanwhile the time she worked in another state I took care of her children. I did all the chores even though I don't complain. This evening she got angry that I corrected the children from jumping on my bed. She said I was paranoid because I prefer sleeping by myself without someone's body touching mine.
She said a lot. Why I cried is cause no one is flawless, I take her excesses but she never overlook mine
She said she regrets letting me stay with her. Me her sister.
People don't really like me always the last to be chosen for things. Even my family wants me far away from them.

I have nowhere else or anyone to vent to,so here I am.