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Not even childbirth is safe from this derogatory story , not even to mention the Goku fusing semen love child. I'm so glad this shit of a plot has ended

Linaille created a topic of Double Trap

How lond does a smut has to be? It's been more than 2 chapters and we still havent gotten to the end of the sex yet!

Everytime, i slander this dumpster hot mess, and still, everytime it updates i keep running back for more ridiculous plot

Linaille created a topic of Gig of the Day

You know what? I prefer it this way, the sooner my baby knows that man doesn't like him, the faster he can get over him. I don't want him to be in too deep be4 getting hurt

Linaille created a topic of Double Trap
Linaille created a topic of Perfect Buddy

It only took us 90 chapters and numerous heartbreak to have cliffhanger confession. Yay...
(╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

Linaille created a topic of Full volume

A title reference and a time-traveling bit to wrap things up? THE BEST.

Linaille created a topic of Wet Sand

Unrelated to the plot, i just wanna suck on Ian's titties, they look scrumptious.
This is the end of my TED talk.

Linaille created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

Omg, our niece/nephew has come out of their shell. Come here and lemme give u kiss, lil baby

Linaille created a topic of Dead man Switch

Damn, >20 times. No wonder ML is so desperate.
No matter how much i love a person, for them to die more than 20 times and drag my ass back to the start of a horrible zombie outbreak every single time would also make me an indifferent person towards death and obsessed with keeping them alive.

My baby girl Yoojin is enough for everyone to share. But please, keep fighting, i really like the view of handsome men fighting over my baby

Linaille created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

Dead af. Came for a wholesome reunion, not for my heart to break jn million pieces

Linaille created a topic of Double Trap

Bruh, i blacked out for a minute there. The porn's so good, what the hell?
Except for the pussy bussy ofc. But i'll take what is given to me lmao

Linaille created a topic of Dead man Switch

Bro, some of these comments are cray cray. The MC is one of the most relatable person i've seen dealing with a situation where he is pushed into a chaotic world and trying to survive while being kept in the dark.
You guys saying he is stupid but he is for sure smarter and braver than me and some of you guys in these situations.
Really interesting plot and concept, really waiting for the updates! Also, i think the ML has a love-hate relationship with the MC since he really loves the MC but deep down kinda despise him for making him turn back to the beginning everytime the MC dies.

Linaille created a topic of Wet Sand

I don't know why but i actually wanna TJ and Ian to end up together more.
I'm just a girlie that sometimes likes trauma x trauma more than healing x trauma. Sue me ☠

Linaille created a topic of Perfect Buddy

Awww, these two anxious giant fluff ball are so in love. Why is couple lowkey healing

Linaille created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

I think i understand. So Taehuyk was gonna die from the injuries and was having an illusion where Hyo-un didn't exist so he could cross the river with no regrets, but the black orb that Hyo-un placed in his body held him back just in time before he really went with the grim reaper.