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I also grew up in asian household and you never, EVER raise your voice or talk back to parents/grandparents, or anyone of seniority. Doing so, meant that they would go out of their way to brag about how shameful and selfish you are, to close friends or other members of the family. It really sucked. I got out of it and Woo-won, you can too! Get that sorry excuse of a dad, Seo-an!

subandlikes add 1 photos to bishounen

I can see why girls swarm around him...

subandlikes add 1 photos to Just Funny

"Because he's sexy!" lmao

Mhm, that sums it up xD

subandlikes created a topic of Jinx

Hearing Kim Dan's grandma cancer prognosis re-opened a whole can of tears for me. Chapter #47 was like reliving the moment. I don't wish cancer on any of my worst enemies.

Also, Jaekyung needs to get drunk more often, lol.

Adding this one to the pile

... what even... I can't... holy sh* sides

I got had for a second... Well done scanlators, well done.

subandlikes created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

These boys... please be happy! (/TДT)/

I live for translator, scanlation group meme pictures like these, lmao.