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HoneyBee created a topic of PASSION

There’s no way anyone can justify rape, so Tay’s anger towards Ilay is absolutely justified. The way he says “I think I like you more than I thought” to me it meant like he hoped Ilay would have more humanly characteristics.
Now the way Ilay grew up, that’s impossible for him. He is a killing machine with no feelings in short. What stuck with him was baby Tay and that’s it. For him to understand that he is in love or he needs to change, it’s not possible unless there’s solid communication or any attempt from ONLY Tay to make him understand that. Which seems impossible as well because of Tay’s lack of confidence in himself (he thinks everyone just sees him as Jay’s brother) as well as running away from problems that’ll lead to confrontation.
This is after keeping all the trauma aside I haven’t read the novel. This seems like an interesting plot and I REALLY WOULD LOVE TO SEE BOTH OF THEM AT PEACE, together or separately!!