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Kob created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

I know what you’re gonna say. “Yes he does!!” I know that he likes him, it’s obvious. But he doesn’t really like HIM. He likes Minwoo. Well, not like, especially after what Minwoo did to him. He’s just clinging onto the past. Skylar probably would’ve never even had feelings for Chan ill if it wasn’t for his trauma. What people fail to realize is how Skylar is projecting Minwoo onto Chan-ill, Skylar even said it himself. He’s trying to rewrite a chapter of his life, pretending Chan-ill is Minwoo, as if he can rewrite the past but change it. He’s trying to image Chan-ill is Minwoo because he can’t let go of his trauma and he’s nowhere near healed. He doesn’t like Chan-ill for Chan-ill, he likes him for what he’s imaging him to be.