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Thromboxane A2 created a topic of Semelparous

I found it by the author's twt

I can still remember how pricey getting the physical copy of these and I only have 2 cause the shipping cost from from the us and im not from the us

Thromboxane A2 asked a question

Guys, I'm looking for a manhwa, I forgot her name. The heroine has silver hair (a slave) and the hero is black (an emperor). The story is revived, meaning the heroine was an empress and a powerful witch, and then she dies at the hands of her little brother, whom she loved, and is revived as a slave in another kingdom, and there it is. She meets the emperor, whom she knew when he was young, and he suspects that it is her because she has the same appearance
Sorry for my bad English

Thromboxane A2 created a topic of Maybe Mine

Why the ending is rushed I wanted to see more of dayoon and yura